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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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He thinks everything through before his battles.

his forces are immune ot the cold.....

If your guys lived on a giant frozen planet for 2500 years they would get used to it as well.
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He wonders about the Blood Feather Triad. Little does he know what it's about....

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user should explain what it is (even i dont know...and i did know, then i had no idea that i knioew)

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That bomber is firing a machine gun at the ground!!! O_o Everybody run for your lives!!!

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He made a rendered copy of a arwing that was his avatar for the longest time.

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Is great with the GMod stuff!


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Has joined the Christmas Bandwagon, albeit in a Zombie-Friendly way  :lol:

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Captured Gordon Freeman!!  :shock:

We're doomed...  :(

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User may be right!

*miniacle laughter* (just kidding ;)  )

Although, im sure the combine would have still found out some way to find earth.....if one loose end is tied up; another will surface to toake its place....there are many possiblities. If not, then HL2 wouldn't have happend xD (7 hour war and all that)

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Me and him have built this topic into a large one.

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He receives credit for his signature.

has a flaming skull :yes:

Well I do have a short temper.

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Changed his avi

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