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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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kinda funny

has a quick wit

overall i'd say...


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REALLY likes aircraft.

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The poster above me mains Wolf in SSBB, like me.

what about me?

(That was off-topic. It wasn't supposed to be a post in the game itself.)

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The poster above me really likes cars, Star Wolf and anti-heroes. He is awsome at his 3D renders (I am still trying to learn how to do that stuff, lol) and is a very well liked member of the community.

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The user above me has a smiling CD for his avatar. And his name is probably Matt in real life but not sure.

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Guest Matt macdowel

The user above me has a smiling CD for his avatar. And his name is probably Matt in real life but not sure.

the user above me is right my real name is matt, the user above me favriote color must be green!

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the user above me is right my real name is matt, the user above me favriote color must be green!

ur right but it used to be blue when I was a younger kid.

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The green fox has quite the job on his hands... Painting the whole lylat system green, and no one would notice, cause most of them are probably color blind anyways :lol:

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More like an Alld school starfox fan.

The user above me, I'm assuming likes to draw.

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More like an Alld school starfox fan.

The user above me, I'm assuming likes to draw.

the user above me is absolutely right.

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The user above me just went to get a drink, right?

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Arwing commander is some kinda psychic... Although then again I get a drink a water often...

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To prove my psychic powers, I will distinguish something about the person above me.

He has or has had a watch that has stopped working.

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I think the above poster is already in his pajamas.

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i think that the user above me likes pizza, am i right?

Are you stalking me? I do like pizza.

The user above is another Krystal fan.

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The user above have a personal text,

similar to what Peppy and James say: never give up trust your instincts.

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The user above has an un-usually tall avatar.

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The user above has a cool (althrough I should say hot?  :lol:) avatar.

The user above me better not go too far with what he just said and also likes Jungle strike.
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