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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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likes to quote people and he needs taquitos.

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The user above me sure does like his taquitos.

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The user above has changed his name (From Landwing to Geo Tortona, which I can assume means "Ground Flight" in Latin"). He's inspired me to do the same!

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Guest Julius Quasar

The user above me can be summed up in one word; EPIC!  :P

(thanks crazyfooinc)

Agrees that life is unfair.

the user above me has an awesome Falco avitar.

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Guest Julius Quasar

The user above me has a great animated avatar.


the dude above me is obviously falco. :D

the user above me says "YES", even if the answer is "NO". ;)

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The above user writes the best fan fics (an art I don't have a whole lot of patience for XD)

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