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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user wears a very small pair of glasses.

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Now has a heavy lobster and their sig is slightly bgger now ^^

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The user is capable of creating comics out of his Gmod scenes and has done so in the past.

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TYhr user is quite corect...if only I could make panels and submit it to deviant art.....

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User has gone from a relaxing Turian to a steel Lucario, then onto a regular Lucario, and now his avatar is either broken or in the process of being changed.

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The user has made quite the observation ^^

(Im still coloring the pictures-I'm currently doing the ears ^^)

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user has another dancing sig, but this time it's not lucario

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Recently changed their display picture and lives in Australia like me

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loves blue and yellow, judging from the Lucario

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