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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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User thinks i am eating a meal, or trying to determine the time. it's 3:16 pm

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predicted i'd have a snack, and i do, i have a sandvich right here

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The user should keep a look out for heavies. there was a warrant going out for a missiong sandvich ;)

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He has gone into liking Shadow the Hedgehog and has even gone as far as to replace his HK-47 with a picture of him.

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makes it seem like i only just started being a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog, perhaps i am wrong, his writing seems that way. I however have been a fan for quite a while

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(I knew I should have added that last bit of you probably being a Shadow fan for awhile.)

Alright the user supposedly has a doppelganger of himself out in the world who does a poor job of imitating him.

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Won Best Newcomer in the Foxcar RP awards for 2010.

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The user ninja'd me

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The user above is consistently active almost all of the time I'm online. Way to go! :D

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[And Law Enforcement on a whole, but that's a tale for another time! :P]

The user above is most definitely a Lucario fan; I can't say I fault him for that. :friends:

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The user above has two animated GIFs in their signature; mesmerizing doesn't even begin to describe the proceedings! :D

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User was once and avid role player on the site but hasn't joined any in quite awhile as far as I know.

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[i'm not entirely sure why either; I might hop into the Christmas one and see how things go from there; guess I'm on a hiatus when it comes to RP. :P]

The user above is quite observant and is a definite credit to the site. ^_^

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