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How would you have made Star Fox Command [better]?

Guest Julius Quasar

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Guest Para Astaroth

Since I'm more into the dark type storylines, I would have scrapped the idea of including the Anglars, since they, the Lylat System, could have put them onto a big grill and made Anglar-sticks out of them, and having the Starfox Team discover reminence of Krystal's destroyed planet and help her search for her past, while they figure out what ploy the Venomians are plotting on Venom since they, then Venomians, have started doing ancient's old rituals.  There would be, at one point, where the Starfox Team HAS to break up due to the fact that:

1)  Krystal wants to find out the actual demise of her home planet herself

2)  Falco, being his arrogant self, goes off to do solo mercenary work

3)  Slippy helping the Cornerian Airforce with maintainance work

4)  Fox's interest as to why the Venomians are starting rituals

5)  Peppy leaving due to a sudden illness

If anything, just make it a dark story and I'll be happy; no teenage drama-like plots, no ridiculous enemies, and NO crappy endings!  Just make it ONE, CANON ENDING!!!

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I'm not sure this was possible, maybe it'd make the game to big if you added to much to the stages, maybe they just wanted to keep em simple and small, but better stages, all of em where just a big square with rough ground, maybe a base in the middle.

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The answer is even simpler than I once thought.  To make Command better, You just DON'T make it at all! :D

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Guest FoXXX

The answer is even simpler than I once thought.  To make Command better, You just DON'T make it at all! :D

DUDE, When I saw this thread I was going to post exactly what you said! :D

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DUDE, When I saw this thread I was going to post exactly what you said! :D

To quote from Egoraptor's "Pac-Awesome"


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The answer is even simpler than I once thought.  To make Command better, You just DON'T make it at all! :D

But since that's impossible the next best solution is for Nintendo to officially declare it non-canon and more of a spinoff k_e_cool.gif

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But since that's impossible the next best solution is for Nintendo to officially declare it non-canon and more of a spinoff k_e_cool.gif

Or they could always do what Atari did with those ET cartridges! (Free cookie if you get the reference! :D)

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Or they could always do what Atari did with those ET cartridges! (Free cookie if you get the reference! :D)

Hey, I loved the Atari 2600 when I went to my babysitters when my parents were out when I was like....7 or 8.  And yes I get the reference, do I get to choose the cookie? k_e_tongue.gif

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Guest Julius Quasar

The answer is even simpler than I once thought.  To make Command better, You just DON'T make it at all! :D

But since that's impossible the next best solution is for Nintendo to officially declare it non-canon and more of a spinoff k_e_cool.gif

Agree on both of those! :yes:

Or they could always do what Atari did with those ET cartridges! (Free cookie if you get the reference! :D)

(What did they do with them?)

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Guest DRL

Here are some basic ideas of mine:

Play Control: I would have the controls be like the 64 game, though not entirely. The whole game wouldn't be all range missions for almost the whole thing and it would be mainly rail-shooter. No strategic map crap, no star collecting, no fuel gauge time limit, or other technical absurdities. If it were for DS, I do not believe on-foot missions would work very well, with its layout. On-foot is more suited for game consoles like GC, PS, etc. Some real voice acting would be nice.

Story: No Anglars (they were pathetic IMO). Something different, though I can't come up with something now. The story would be straightforward and have one clear ending. StarFox would not break up, and neither would Fox and Krystal. Keep Amanda and possibly Lucy. Might consider doing something with Miyu and Fay. Marcus would appear in an epilogue (along with some other things).

Artwork: The art style of characters and things (like the Great Fox and the Arwings) would have a cinematic Assault-ish appearance, but a couple differences would be worked in. The art itself would be digital and not drawn as it was in Command, as it would be the best way to continue the design ethics from Assault.

This is pretty much I could come up with if were to be on a DS. But quite frankly, I feel StarFox is not really suited for a hand held game system. I believe systems like GC and Wii are more a match for it IMHO.


Makes me wonder why Nintendo

has all those lame script writers

(oh well, it was Q-Games) when

they could have someone as cool

as Sly Jedi.

No, seriously.

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Makes me wonder why Nintendo

has all those lame script writers

(oh well, it was Q-Games) when

they could have someone as cool

as Sly Jedi.

No, seriously.

Thank you for the complement, good sir. :D I'm not really one for writing screenplays though.

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Agree on both of those! :yes:

(What did they do with them?)

The cartridges were unsellable due to their shitty-ness, and it is rumored that Atari buried them somewhere deep in a desert in New Mexico.  WE WILL NEVER KNOW! :D

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Guest DRL

The cartridges were unsellable due to their shitty-ness, and it is rumored that Atari buried them somewhere deep in a desert in New Mexico.  WE WILL NEVER KNOW! :D


I heard in a documentary:

"[...]But then, Atari went down

      the road. It made an ET game

      SO BAD, that the creator of Pong

      literally cried when he saw it[...]"

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The cartridges were unsellable due to their shitty-ness, and it is rumored that Atari buried them somewhere deep in a desert in New Mexico.  WE WILL NEVER KNOW! :D

Actually, I think they were just put in a garbage dump in New Mexico, I believe I saw an X-Play where they actually went and found the cartridges, though I could be mistaken.

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  • 3 weeks later...

not have multi endings that make no sense..

or have like a final ending when all endings were unlocked >.> like a lot of the sonic games have done lol (i honestly was expecting them to do that Y~Y)

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All I can say right now is I would never have mentioned Marcus.  That is all until further notice.

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All I can say right now is I would never have mentioned Marcus.  That is all until further notice.

I have to agree there....it just too far into the future.
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I have to agree there....it just too far into the future.

totally agree....maybe should have thought of a new game where it bring him into it as a tiny tike...or maybe trying to be a team member....that would have been cute...like father like son lol

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I would have taken out the part where the team separates and Krystal has to leave. I would also take out the limited moves part of the levels. I would also give all ships lock-on capability and take out the multiple endings because lets face it, figuring out which ones the canon ending is driving me to the brink of insanity. 

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sad thought really......wifi missions  :P

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Guest Julius Quasar

I would have taken out the part where the team separates and Krystal has to leave. I would also take out the limited moves part of the levels. I would also give all ships lock-on capability and take out the multiple endings because lets face it, figuring out which ones the canon ending is driving me to the brink of insanity.

^ Excellent! :yes:

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How I would have made it better?

Oh well...

Intro: Star Fox does not breaks up.

                  Instead they are celebrating their

                  victory over the Aparoids when they

                  recive a call from a mysterious contractor.

                  Before so, however, Krystal decides to leave

                  the team for a while to find more clues about

                  her past.

Short version

of the Story:

                    Basically they do missions for this... 'individuals'.

                    They never meet him in person, but rather one

                    of his men, nicknamed 'Liu'. In the end, it turns

                    out Liu is 'Liutenant', and work for one named

                    the 'Commander'. Commander's intention is

                    to build a great weapon ('Hyper-Cannon' anyone?)

                    and use it to conquer the galaxy.


                    (Part of is borrowed from one of Asper's ideas.)

                    Krystal seperates from the team before it

                    is contracted by 'Liu' - And goes to search

                    clues of her past. In the way she mets

                    Drae, another of Commander's men, and has her

                    help him in finding some 'Artifacts of Power' (but

                    around locations Krystal will uncover more of her past.)

                    Star Fox Team does more Air/Space missions in which

                    they have to defeat Commander's enemies, some of which

                    are other Hyperian (and of course have some of these

                    'Artifacts of Power' in their possesions).

                    Krystal goes mostly on-foot, althrough since the SF Team

                    might have some Landmaster/Blue Marine missions as well,

                    she might occasionaly use her Cloud Runner.

Endings: There are four, depending on your overall performance:


                      Terrible Ending:[if you succed in 25% or less missions]:

                      You do not discover who the Commander is until it

                      is too late - A garbled distress call from Corneria

                      is the last thing you hear from this planet. By the time

                      you get there, the Commander has already conquered and/or

                      destroyed most of Lylat, 'testing' his weapon. Corneria

                      is specially hit, as there is almost no life left in the planet.

                      To make matters worse, the planet has been assimilated.

                      There is no 'final battle', as the Commander has fled

                      the place before you arrived. The Star Fox Team is devastated.


                      Not-so-bad-ending[26%~49% succes in missions]:

                      You discover who the Commander is just in time to get

                      to Lylat right about before he is to attack Corneria.

                      There is a timer. If destroy the weapon before the time runs out,

                      Lylat (and the Galaxy) is saved. However, during the

                      battle Corneria takes some damage, not to mention

                      the planets/systems* the Commander got before reaching it.

                      If you fail to defeat Commander before time runs out,

                      you restart the mission.


                      Quite-Good-Ending [50%~74% of Missions succesfull]:

                      You find out who the Commander is before he can complete

                      his weapon - But he is already on way to Corneria. You set up

                      ambush his fleet - But still, it is not an easy task. SW is here;

                      after defeating them, you attack the Commander.

                      Success means Lylat is saved - but the Commander was

                      ready for this, escapes, and survives fleeing into Hyperspace...

                      Great/True Ending [75%~100% of Missions successfull]:

                      You find out who the Commander is early enought to

                      attack him in his main base - that is, Hyperia.

                      It is the hardest mission, having to push past his ENTIRE army,

                      and not to mention the Hyperian Lands. While the Commander

                      lacks his special weapon, he can channel energy from the Planet's core,

                      and makes a thought adversary. On air, SW is here, as well as the

                      Hyperian Guard, Elite pilots with a nasty set of special attacks.

                      Success means that not only the entire Galaxy is saved, but also

                      the Hyperian menace is permanently defeated, as Hyperia is

                      destroyed. This is the True ending.

...Not guaranted to be of your liking. I made this 'in-the-air', and

  just to mention it, the Commander is not really that evil.

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