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Something a starfox character would never say.


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Thank goodness you saved me from that crystal I was stuck inside. My name is Krystal BTW.


Yeah. It figures.


rolls eyes.

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Guest Mr. Mario

:krystal: But...than where did Pigma go?

:panther: *whistles* Ahh...the lovely Krystal, words do you no justice, I'm Panther Caroso, heres to us. *growl*

:falco: Huh? Who's this *bleep*

:panther: Quiet *bleep*

:falco: WHAT WAS THAT?!?

:krystal: Forget him-

:falco: NO!

*shoots a B-bomb at Panther's ship*

:panther: Now you'll never know where Pigma is.

:wolf: You talk too much, everyone get away!


:krystal: Now how are we able to get Pigma if we don't know where he is?

:fox: Use your Telepath or something Krystal!

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"So i'm talking to my doctor about my jitt~~ nervouse..I'm nervous...

And he says, "You know what the problem might be is that you drink so much coffee..it's making you a little jittery.."

And I says "What!?"

and he says, "Coffee!"

And i said, "YES, thank you I would love some..."

And he says, "N-no that could be the problem..."

and what's so IRONIC...about this whole thing.....is we were talking about my n-n-nervousness due to coffee.....OVER COFFEE!

So I think my~ I think he is trying to hook me and put me in this vicious Cycle of discussing my dependence on coffee over coffee, thus reinforcing the dependence and reinforcing HIS dependence, on my money.

So i says, "Maybe we should meet in a coffee shop anymore and go to your office or something.."

and he says, "Well that would be fine..."

and i said, "Well....do you have any coffee there?"

and he says, "No I don't have any Coffee there...."

so i says, "With all the money I give you, you figure you could have a little cup of Sanka in there even, you know, Patient comes in, can give them some decafe at least...."

:katt: "Come on where's the f***ing waitress?"

:slippy: "you just can't go throughout the day without the coffee.."

:katt: "I have been waiting here for twenty minutes waiting for a refill of coffee!"

:slippy: "Why yes, thank you, I would love come..."

:katt: "Dmn it!"


It's emptyyyyyy

(i ose translation on the rest)


(WARNING: slight swearing :P)

(plus i could not find the original version ><

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:panther:: "Every rose has its thorn...but if you were put some sugar on me we can rock and roll all night long and Par-TAY every day."
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  • 1 year later...

Falco: Thank you for saving me Fox!

He will NEVER say that!

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I don't think any Star Fox characters would ever be saying that.....

Fox McCloud: This thread is almost 2 years old...


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Fox: "Can't let you do that, Star Wolf!"

Wolf: "We'll see about that, Star Fox!"

Wolf: "Hesitate all you want! When the time comes, don't do it!"

Slippy: "Hey, Einstein! I'm on your side!"

Falco: "I'm monkey food if I don't leave!"

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:panther: : Krystal, you suck and you look like Pigma's butt.

:slippy: : I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!

:falco: : Slippy, I love you!

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Any form of explicit Modern Cuss words like @$$ or SH*T!

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