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New Shadows of Lylat Video!


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Shadows of Lylat is indeed still in development. New video released today!

Oh, and give DaBrain a break, he hasn't encoded too many videos before. ;)

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It's a Star Fox mod for Freespace 2.

Look around that forum for more info.

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im still lost' date=' is it a new starfox game or did someone make it?[/quote']

Isn't it always someone making it? :D

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Shadows of Lylat is, I repeat, a Mod of Freespace 2.

It is being developed by several people from around the world with different talents (myself inclided, I am one of the composers).

This is NOT an official Nintendo SF game.

The forums that the video are posted on are the best place for information about SoL.

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Freespace 2 is a game developed by Volition and was published by Interplay.

FS2 didn't get as popular as it should have (Don't know why, it is an awesome game), and as a result it kind of became abandonware.

Then, Volition did something wonderful: Then made FS2 Open Source!

I won't post any direct links because DLing the CDs may still be illegal even though the source code is freely available.

Browse the forum in the link in my first post and you may find something.

Hopefully, if everything goes right, you won't need FS2 to play the mod. But you will likely need it to play the first demo whenever it is released.

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I wonder if I'm the only one that's noticed that the Shadows of Lylat acronym (SoL) is the same as something else... (Sh** Out of Luck)

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I wonder if I'm the only one that's noticed that the Shadows of Lylat acronym (SoL) is the same as something else... (Sh** Out of Luck)

Or "Sol" which is the name of our sun. It could also be for "Server Optimized Linux."

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I wonder if I'm the only one that's noticed that the Shadows of Lylat acronym (SoL) is the same as something else... (Sh** Out of Luck)

hahahah. thats funny, i never thought of that.

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