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Favorite part of Starfox assault?


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worst part...being told it was time for dinner ><

yep and the best is astriod belt love just sitin back and crusinin through metor feild.... seenen the sights...shountin up someĀ  bad guys and kilin pigma

that is my favorite part

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Playing as Krystal in Multiplayer, the Corneria level, and the Sauria cutscenes.

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Sargasso Space hideout on Maximum Difficulty. But Fighting StarWolf was a Joke...

(why are new member's brining up old posts all the time?)

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(why are new member's brining up old posts all the time?)

Because they don't read the rules. Dredging old topics isn't aloud.

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Because they don't read the rules. Dredging old topics isn't aloud.

Not completly true, if its over a month and a half then yes it isn't aloud. But this one is ok from my point of veiw.

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i also like the orbital gate but wish a could just site their and kill till i die

Because they don't read the rules. Dredging old topics isn't aloud.

some people never got read thoas topics i could look throught the archives for evr and never find what i am looking for when you bring up i new topic you dont know that an old one is put their
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the first time I get to use the Landmaster :D :cool:

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  • 5 months later...

Lets dredge a topic!Ā  :) A topic!

i really like killing every thing on the first mission On easyĀ  :evil: Nothing must escape, I kill every thing!

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Well since it is already dredged. I love Assault for the first level. It was my favorite level. I know the whole level by heart :D

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the first time I get to use the Landmaster :D:cool:

:peppy: I'm transfering the landmaster to you right now Fox.

*Landmaster appears and aparoids surround it*

:fox: Great....good to see the targeting system is as sterling as ever.

I would say also the sauria (I mean Dinosaur Planet) mission. Definantly the most detailed lanscape in the game.

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actually, you are right, it is Sauria, and I even speak the language of that planet! XD

Je teoj oloh0edo ocjo xoho.
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A tat xulo u kefas nxoho oloh0edo fejkot ad juihaud, rik kxuk taot :(

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Not Saurin again!Ā  :? Ughh hard enough for me to translate.

There's an online translator at the Krystal Archive.

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