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Favorite part of Starfox assault?


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get the StarFox Adventures game manual, easiest way to learn the language. that's what I did! XD

FoxMcCloud gave me a keyboard translator. Je r0 scasbadw sedkhec udt jxavk uk kxo jumo kamo ak adjkudkc0 weoj ke juihaud.
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  • 4 months later...

I like the Corneria mission because of how detailed the map is and all of the enemies you had to dispatch.

Another personal favorite was the mission with Slippy on foot where he was supposed to "Help" you, but just shoots 1 or 2 enemies, jumps around and yells "NO MERCY!!!" the whole time. I facepalmed when I saw that he was practically useless.

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The multiplayer and single player arwing missions.

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Yes. Now can we get a lock please?

Why? People can't use it because it's old? :?

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Why? People can't use it because it's old? :?

Posting in old topics really aren't necessary. If you like this topic, you can just simply make it again rather than posting in a topic that hasn't had a reply in a awhile.

Read this part of the forum rules:

11. Do not dredge for old topics. Check the date of the last post before replying to a thread.
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Posting in old topics really aren't necessary. If you like this topic, you can just simply make it again rather than posting in a topic that hasn't had a reply in a awhile.Read this part of the forum rules:

Really? I was under the impression that duplicate threads would be frowned upon. Especially for such a general topic as "Favorite part of Assault". I thought that it would just be a super-topic meant to accumulate views when anyone dug it up and then go from there. At least now I know that starting new topics, be they duplicate or not is okay. I'll keep that in mind next time since I was the one who found this old thread and commented.

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Panther Caroso getting shot down, music to my ears. Caroso will pay for his transgressions.

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My favorite part (gameplay-wise)?... I don't know, I liked the first mission and the Asteroid Belt mission because they feel more like a Starfox 64 mission, but I also enjoyed the Sargasso Space Zone mission and its dynamic (destroying targets inside the base and getting outside to fight with the Arwing), and there's also the battle with Star Wolf team at the end of the mission, which is always fun (although too easy IMO). And I like the Corneria mission because it feels different from all the other missions, with the use of the sniper and no vehicles available, it was an overall interesting mission, I believe.

Story-wise, definitely the last mission, from the part where Peppy destroys the Aparoid's base and rams the Great Fox into the shield, to the last part when you defeat the Aparoid Queen and the awesome music plays while the main characters are shown, and the last scene after the credits was really nice as well... I like happy endings. :D

Finally, I have to say that I absolutely love the cutscene where the Starfox team runs to the Arwings and takes off from the Great Fox at the beginning... I've watched that scene over and over again, and I always enjoy it like it's the first time I've seen it; it's that cool. :cool:

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Using the land master n finding random weapons is my favorite part of the game. n vs mode

hearing this makes me want to go play it right now

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The "Honeymoon" gag, and also the mission on Fichina--which was one of my favorite landmaster/foot levels of the game.

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The "Honeymoon" gag,

thats one of my favorites too. Fox gives the epic face. :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

Well everyone likes a good ending, fortunately this is Assault and not Command, because Command has some pretty bad endings

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fighting on the wing of an arwing was bad ass.

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Fighting on the wing of an arwing was bad ass.

i didn't care for it on fichina, but or corneria its was pretty cool

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Orbital gate. Came closest to a 64 level for me, kinda reminded me of the training mode but upside-down. Also, aim I one direction, mash fire button= 20 kills with full hyper laser (what I like to call the plasma cannon)

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-Fichina was one of my favourite levels; neat tone, lots of plot stuff, gameplay stuff and reveals about the planet.

-Every cutscene from the Orbital Gate onward (disregarding some of the goofy dialogue).

-The grand majority of the voice acting, with the only exceptions being Fox and Krystal.

-Most of the music

-Multiplayer is sorta fun if you have the right people/alcohol ratio (Titania was an awesome multiplayer level, I wish it had been in the main game)

-I liked Star Wolf being brought back, and the use of Beltino

EDIT: oh wow this is a megadredge

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  • 2 weeks later...

Corneria. I enjoyed not only the playing, but the dialogue becomes strong at that point.

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-Fichina was one of my favourite levels; neat tone, lots of plot stuff, gameplay stuff and reveals about the planet.

There isn't much to learn about fichina, go stare in your freezer for 30minutes and you will see my point :P
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Blowing stuff up and lots of explosions is always the best part.

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  • 3 months later...

Multiplayer!!!!!! :cool: Nothing beats multiplayer.

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