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Need Help with Nintendo wii sd Card

Matt Macdowel

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ok i got a sd card for my wii i have a few songa downloaded but 1 does not show up on the wii and thats starfox coernia song idk why its not showing up i copy n paste mercs 2 oh no u didn't song on it and it worked but starfox corneria well not idk why so i even found a pic and saved it and copy n paste and that showed up so can anyone help here?

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I dont think u can just use regular sd cards on a wii  i think u have to get special ones for the wii or ds a good place to go is gamestop

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i do got a special one it was made for the wii specfily and yes u may use regluar ones to

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Check the format of the songs?, I don't know, you aren't putting too much detail here, and proper grammar will help you as well  :facepalm:.

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Sounds to me like the file for that song is in an incompatible format. What format is it?

I dont think u can just use regular sd cards on a wii  i think u have to get special ones for the wii or ds a good place to go is gamestop

False. SD is a standard, and Nintendo did not deviate from it. If you buy the marked up "special" SD cards, you're getting ripped-off. The only difference is the label on them says "for Wii." Electronically they're exactly the same. They are formatted in the FAT32 file-system, too, just like a generic SD card you get at Best Buy. It's like buying "Music CDRs." Don't pay more for mere words on the label. All that matters is that the SD card be formatted in the FAT32 filesystem (It's extremely rare to find SD cards NOT formatted FAT32...) and conform to the SD 2.0 spec. SDXC cards are not yet supported.

The SD card in my Wii has spent time in multiple computers, a camera, a TV, a DSi, and a PDA. None of them had issues reading it, and neither does the Wii.

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Check the format of the songs?, I don't know, you aren't putting too much detail here, and proper grammar will help you as well  :facepalm:.

what im saying is i copy n paste a song into the sd card it was saved into the sd card i then put it into the wii went to the photo channel and found it there now this other song won't show up its starfox corniera theme song. idk why its not showing up

@DZ i got my wii sd card for like $8 are the cheaper then that? + it was the last one at meijer

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The Wii doesn't have the capability to play certain music files.  Try converting it!

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HOW! and why can't the wii play starfox corniera. i think i have it in playlist thats why.

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All computer audio is not the same. Different formats use different compression and/or sampling algorithms. They also have different header types and different ways of storing meta data. The player software has to know how to read the file in order to play it. The reason you don't run into this problem as often on your computer is that most Windows, Linux, and Mac players support many formats.

The Wii is a different story.

The older version of the Wii Photo channel supports ONLY MP3 or AAC files. If you downloaded the optional update, ONLY AAC files will play. It is likely the Corneria song you are referring to is not an MP3 or AAC file.

Here's how to check (risk level: VERY LOW):

On your computer, right-click on the file and select Properties. The second line of the window that comes up will say "Type of file." An MP3, for example, should say "MPEG Layer 3 Audio File (.mp3)"

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HOW! and why can't the wii play starfox corniera. i think i have it in playlist thats why.

First off, read ALL of DZ's posts, THEY WILL HELP YOU! Secondly, download an audio converter, select the file you want to change, select the new file type, click convert, AND PRESTO!

Here is a download for a good converter! http://download.cnet.com/Any-Video-Converter/3000-2194_4-10661456.html

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Don't download anything until you know what file you have.

The rise of adware has made dealing with free-as-in-beer software very risky.

WinLame, which is an Open Source (Free-as-in-speech) encoder, can take as input a lot of formats and output them as MP3s. Open Source software is safer because anyone can look at the source code. Drop adware in there, and the program will get forked (someone else takes the code and makes a new program) to an ad-free version.

But post what kind of file it is first.

Or, if this is the original game version of the song, just go to the SFO Star Fox SNES music page and dowload the file there already in MP3 format. That should play on the Wii. ( http://starfox-online.net/games/sf/music/ )

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First off, read ALL of DZ's posts, THEY WILL HELP YOU! Secondly, download an audio converter, select the file you want to change, select the new file type, click convert, AND PRESTO!

Here is a download for a good converter! http://download.cnet.com/Any-Video-Converter/3000-2194_4-10661456.html

Firstly, that's a video converter, not audio, and secondly, does anyone know where I could get an MP3 to WAV audio converter?

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Firstly, that's a video converter, not audio, and secondly, does anyone know where I could get an MP3 to WAV audio converter?

Whoops, well good news, because the converter also converts audio  :lol:

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You have to move game saves from system memory to SD manually. While some newer games since the SD card update may be able to directly save to SD, most games, particularly older ones, are not written to support the SD card.

Firstly, that's a video converter, not audio, and secondly, does anyone know where I could get an MP3 to WAV audio converter?

http://winlame.sourceforge.net/ <- goes both ways. Does Vorbis, too.

Note that when you MP3 -> WAV (or from any compression format to any other format), you DO NOT regain any quality lost in the compression.

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Alright, Thanks DZ!

While no quality may be gained, somethings are not compatible with Mp3. Just thought I'd point out the obvious. :oops:

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