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Star Fox: The New Era (Season 1 pt. 1)

Geo Stelar

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"Good idea," Joseph said. "But who knows, someone might take or destroy all of these if we leave it," he added. "Especially now that we removed the entrance here."

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"Phearps. I will have the

BS come here, pick-up one,

and take it back for research,

if you want." Said Deckér.

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Kursed poope up on  Luc'a communicator "Luca we're finsihed here you need a hand?" The purple haired blue vixen asked.

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"like?" Kursed asked not sure what he ment by new idea's

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"Phearps. I will have the

BS come here, pick-up one,

and take it back for research,

if you want." Said Deckér.

"Good idea," Joseph said. "But how about all of these others?"

Meanwhile, back at the base...

Ray is in the lab room..

"Just this washer right here....... close this little hatch.....aand... done!", he said, carrying the new blaster at his hand and held it high.

"Now to 'mass' produce, whatever the right term is," Ray said.

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"like?" Kursed asked not sure what he ment by new idea's

"Equipment. Weapons. Something like that."

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"Equipment. Weapons. Something like that."

"Could you be more specific Luca?

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"Im starting from scratch. We can do anything." said Luca. "Got any ideas?"

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Krystal walked up behind Luca "Like for what/"Krystal asked.

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"Good idea," Joseph said. "But how about all of these others?"

"Well, I though we could stay

here until we knew what it

is in them..." He said, an called

his friend. A positive-sounding 'beep'

was heard coming from Deckér communicator.

The Black Soviet was on his way.

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Krystal walked up behind Luca "Like for what/"Krystal asked.

"Fighter combat, infantry combat, something that will help in a battle. Like a new form of projectile. I had an idea, but I can't figure out how to put it in motion. It was supposed to be a new type of laser to replace plasma and be better than it too."

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Tom entered the mechanic bay just as he heard what Luca had said. "What about an EMP blaster?", he suggested.

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"EMPs are unpredictable and can't put out enough damage to the enemy. It's not as good as what Im thinking of."

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"Well at least it can disable specific enemies", Tom said, his voice lowering. "What are you thinking of, anyway? Me and Ray could be of help," Tom said.

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"I just said it wasn't predictable. You just said an oxymoron." said Luca. "I was thinking of a new type of laser only ten times stronger. Something that can be re-tuned to different frequencies so it can penetrate energy shielding."

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"Oh so you want spmething like a sheild-breaker or shield bypassing weapon?"Kursed asked.

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"Re-tuning for shield bypassing, huh?", Tom said. "The only thing I could think of is to use sonic waves, but it ain't laser. I think we must study the different energy shield types then we'll create a blaster than can be.... well, what you just said. Re-tuned."

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"I was thinking something along the lines of phase modulation or something like that. A type of beam that has not only intensity settings but phase shift frequency settings.

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"Well I haven't had much knowledge about phase modulation types of beams.", Tom replied, his mind puzzled about these phasers..

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"Even the technolgy from my home world only had a prototype sheild bypasser Luca... IT's not something you find alot of use for."Kursed replied.

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The Black Soviet came to 'the entrace',

and picked up one of the supposed antigens.

"This does not really looks like any 'anti'... -

To me. Only research will tell..." he saluted the

others there by beeping at them and then left.

"That was kind of fast, eh?"... Said Deckér.

"I wish he was that fast when it comes to obeying

my orders..." he added.

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"the way i see it,it's time for us to G-O"jack said and hopped on the hornet

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Anakin looked at Joseph.  "..Actually, since we've got all that we need to figure out a way against this stuff; I was going to suggest getting rid of the rest of it to prevent further use.  Enemy or not, this stuff shouldn't be here."

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