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Star Fox: The New Era (Season 1 pt. 1)

Geo Stelar

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Kursed to Steve we've found the source!"Krystal shouted over the sound of laser fire.

Steve replied, "I know, I'm at the back entrance right now." through his portable communicator

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"now cover me! i'm going in!"he said to decker as he touched the ground.

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Steve hid behind some huge containers. As he peaked inside, it was like a factory.... it was making Azul and Thunder clones very fast. Then he saw who was operating the machines: Azul and Thunder themselves. Steve looked around... it was as though they have been building this structure a long time ago without anyone realizing what this really was. Then he saw, at one corner, a huge supply of bombs. He picked up a hand that was on the floor. It was designed not just for attacking... but for digging.

He sent a message to both Decker, Jack, and Kursed: "Come over here. I saw something of interest."

He then sent a message to his team: "You know the mall-looking structure here? This is the source of the clones. You must cover us here."

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"be right over!" he said then he sprinted tword the structuer

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"Okay" Deckér told Jack, then he heard Steve

on the communicator. "Looks like you have all

the fun for yourself out here, comrade!" he

joked, to which the ship said "It should be

like this more often..." but Deckér was now

going to meet up with Steve, and did not pay

attention to what his friend said.

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Steve hid behind some huge containers. As he peaked inside, it was like a factory.... it was making Azul and Thunder clones very fast. Then he saw who was operating the machines: Azul and Thunder themselves. Steve looked around... it was as though they have been building this structure a long time ago without anyone realizing what this really was. Then he saw, at one corner, a huge supply of bombs. He picked up a hand that was on the floor. It was designed not just for attacking... but for digging.

He sent a message to both Decker, Jack, and Kursed: "Come over here. I saw something of interest."

He then sent a message to his team: "You know the mall-looking structure here? This is the source of the clones. You must cover us here."

"look behind you."Kursed muttered the two battloids uncloaked the tall robots stood still guns attached to the side of their arms.
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"i'm here!"jack said as he reached steve

then looked at kursed and akasha

"nice robots"he said

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Deckér arrived with relative punctuality to

the meeting place. "Here." He said as he

looked at Steve. Then he looked at Kursed´s

robot and thought "That vixen fights as well

as good are her looks".

He then felt like he should avoided

that thought for some reason.

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"Right. We're gonna need to stop the production of clones. And the bombs... leave them for further inspection wen we get back to base. All the containers here. Get at least one of each device or whatever from each of the containers. And when you destroy the clones, don't destroy their chest compartments. Jack, we'll go in. Decker, you and Kursed support us. Let's go," Steve said, activating his sword.

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"Right behind you. Kursed said  activating her psionic sword. the two mercs had trnasform their fighters back to jets and gotten out.

"and me?"Akasha asked

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"got it,"jack said as he loaded a magazine into his assault rifle

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Deckér made a faint smile as he though of Steve´s last words,

and inmediately after moved on to do his new task, readied

his laser rifle, and ordered his friend/ship to cover him if he


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"Wait for my signaaal........ Let's go!", Steve shouted the last two words, in which was heard by the clones. Steve ran, Jack at his heels, ready to attack...

Steve killed two and injured one clone in one large swipe of his sword. He then jumped, swiped a Azul and Thunder, who surprisingly lacked skill. These two must be clones too, Steve thought. Steve and Jack continued to Fire and slsh at the clones, careful not to destroy the chest compartment.

"Akasha," Steve yelled, "you collect the chest compartments and get one deice or machine from each of the containers. Be careful and don't press any button or open any hinges. Stay out of the clones' way."

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Deckér ran like heck from here to there,

in a random pattern, in order to take as many

clones as he could. The Black Soviet meanwhile

was trying to make sure that nobody got hurt...


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One of the clones fired, but not on anyone.... but to the wall. The laser reflected from the wall and ricocheted off the walls and around the room.

"Somebody get rid of that laser!", Steve shouted, ducking as the laser went towards him. Steve killed the clone instantly, but still worrying about the laser.

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"Called for reinforcements?" Max said with a grin to himself.

He dashed out from behind and pulled out his deflector shield. The shield immediately turned blue in front of Max who went toward the laser. The laser bounced off the shield and headed straight for a Azul clone, taking all of its left body with him.

"Sorry I'm late...again. Couldn't find my melee weapon." Max pulls out two laser katars from his belt.  "All right Steve. So what's the plan?"

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"Thanks, Max!", Steve replied. "Kill all clones, don't destroy their chest compartments, stop the clone production, prevent further destruction here.. that pretty much covers the whole plan," Steve added hurriedly, killing more clones.

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"Got it." Max replied, while hacking dealing damage to as many clones as he could.

"Who's the girl?"

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"If it's the cat, Akasha. If the Vixen, she's Kursed," Steve replied "I'll explain later. Anyway," Steve added, looking at Max curiously, "Did you find anything that's out of normal  or mysterious outside before you came in here?"

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"Well at first, no. I thought there was just about...75 to 90 ships there. But then they started coming and coming. After a while, I couldn't take the whole fleet with just one ship so I had to back off." Max said. Then, he looked puzzled for a minute and said, "But before I came in, I thought I heard people talking. It sounded like they were saying something toward the clone mission was a success. I'm starting to think that this was planned out." Max looked around for any more clones in the way. "I tried looking for them, but they were probably talking a great distance away from me and their voices were just bouncing off the walls."

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"Hmmm, planned out, huh?" Steve said, beheading 3 more clones, "We'll talk about this later," Steve added.

Steve took a peek into the door to his left. No machines or devices. But a lot of clones that filled the extremely large underground room.

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Max stood opposite to Steve and took a glance into the door to his right. "Thinking what I'm thinking? Or do we have to call backup?"

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"Ok then," Steve said, "Decker, you and Jack get the devices and machines and the chest compartments out of here, Kursed and Akasha, you might want to support them in case more clones attack. I'll send the Assault Acer to protect you all."

Steve turned his comm link connected to his Assult acer, then said, "Commence support here outside the factory"

Steve turned to Max, then said, "If this was really planned, we must destroy those clones without damaging any other property. We must destroy the clones only. D'you have an idea how we'd do that?"

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Max sheathed one of his two laser katars and pulled out a P90 with his left hand. Then, he looked up at Steve and said, "First one to 100? Only head shots count. Hit anything else and your disqualified. Got that?" Max half-joked. He took his position and waited for the signal.

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Then, he looked up at Landwing and said, "First one to 100? Only head shots count.

(Landwing, huh?)

Steve, getting the idea, converted his MPW into a Mini plasma cannon, then said, "Let's go!"

Steve jumped in to the room, blasting the first 12 clones who spotted him.

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