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Stay off the shoulder!

Eagle Kammback

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I almost died today, I have been awake since 7am yesterday, got called into work. Well, on the way home, I was going about 40MPH when this mazda minivan flies by me on the shoulder, then turns slightly to put herself back in my lane, hits the brakes, and turns down a road next to wawa. I slammed on the brakes, and slid sideways into oncoming traffic, came inches from hitting a Crown Vic, he turned just enough for me to miss him, I corrected, turned down the next road and tried to find this woman who did this, need to teach her that shoulders are for emergencies only, couldn't find her.  My heart is still pounding, so much for extra sleep.

Also, I ride bicycles a lot (I have a 1978 Schwinn Sting-Ray that I like to ride), and I have almost been killed dozens of times by people getting on the shoulder to make turns.

I don't care if it makes traffic go by faster, it is illegal, and extremely dangerous to you, and others

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I agree, for the most part.

But, if you're on a two-lane road with a speed limit of 70, and someone's going 20 not allowing the slowpoke to the side gets incredibly frustrating. Especially when you get stuck behind them for 60 miles and there is too much oncoming traffic to pass (Texas Highway 21 between Bastrop and San Marcos is infamous for this). Of course that person really shouldn't be on a high-speed road if they aren't going high speed, but meh... People do that shit. It's dangerous, though. If you're only going 20 and go through a blind curve, someone could rear-end you.

But definitely, passing on the shoulder is stupid. Also, people need to look before changing lanes, even if that lane is the shoulder. There could be another car, a bicyclist, or a big-ass pothole there.

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Guest Julius Quasar

You know, in Germany, if you drive too slow for the guy behind you on the Autobahn, you have to pull over [to the shoulder] and let him/her pass you, you can't just speed up....otherwise, you'll get ticketed, it's the German law.

My dad has this European, 1960's Jaguar, still in our garage (in need of work) that he used to zoom throughout the German Autobahn, back in the day when he was stationed in Europe as an Army officer during the 'Nam wars...you needed a special license to drive those types of cars, they're like a rocket... O_o

Glad you're okay, though, Eagle.  That stupid minivan bitch driver oughtta have her license revoked...I hope she gets shot in a road rage incident the next time she does that.  In Cali she would've been shot. ;)

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What can I say? There are countless people on the road that shouldn't be allowed to have a driving lincese. Not that I should be one to complain... :lol:

Just wathing one of those "*Insert name of country here* worst driver" will make you fear ever setting out onto the road again.

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I've had people pass me on the shoulders out where I live constantly. And out here it's only 2 lane highways with a 55 mph speed limit! You don't need to be going that fast on those roads for crying out loud!

And I noticed something, out here in redneck country, it's always the guys with the big-ass trucks who do it, then they blow all kinds of black exhaust at you when they do it. This made me and my brother coin the term BTLD. (If you want to know what that is, PM me, I can't say it here.)

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