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Double accounts are NOT allowed.


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I just want to make a friendly reminder. Having two accounts in the forum is strictly prohibited. I have detected some members  with double accounts ( I'm not going to say names) , and before taking serious action, I'm giving you all the chance to delete  said accounts. If, by some reason, a brother/sister/friend/etc, registered an account using the same ip as you, and/or uses the account in your place, then please, tell me. (If I, or any other staff member, finds that said statement is a lie, then an instant ban will be applied to both accounts, we have zero tolerance on this).

If you didn't know about this , or if you don't know how to delete your second account, then feel free to tell me and I'll delete it for you. I won't take actions on the members that let me know about this, so don't worry.

There are, of course, certain exceptions to this, like for example,  members coming back to the forum, registering a new account because they didn't remember their username/password. This is acceptable by all means (though easily fixable with the email reminder feature). 

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Please read the rules, folks. We've had to have this discussion before and it is clearly in the rules that multiple accounts are not permitted without permission from the staff.


12. Do not create more than one account. If you have a special reason to do this' date=' ask an admin first.


These rules are part of the SFO terms of use that you agreed to when you registered, so it does you well to know them.

If you have multiple accounts, pick one and let us know. This is the only warning for this. Due to the crap that came out last time we had an issue with this, there is zero tolerance for this.

Steve, I would PM the accounts in question about this. Afterwords, feel free to IP ban anyone who does not comply.

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Steve, I would PM the accounts in question about this. Afterwords, feel free to IP ban anyone who does not comply.

I'm giving them one week to redeem themselfs , after that, I'll issue the pm.

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Um... I made a second account awhile back(before this account) but it was my old Email Address so I never activated the account. Is that alright?

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I'm talking about the people that use two accounts at the same time. Or switch around, just to fool others.


Don't worry, you are fine.


You don't have two accounts, you are fine too.

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