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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Thanks for making a follow up L_S.

Just hope this one does not get locked as well!

And yes, I know the drill, I created the last one. Inspired by the posters of starwars.com forums.

So... something random...


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Let me clearify before everyone god flames me. I locked the first one because it was god over 100 pages. I thought that was a bit high so I locked it and was about to make another on but I had to go in a hurry mkay. So there the new topic is made be happy people.

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So, does that makes my topic the top pager-breaker to live pass 100?!!

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Yes, it does. Now stay random, mortal.

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I was going to type something random, but I have T-180 seconds till sargent C. arrives, so...

... RANDOM I am. When 900 years you reach, not close to me will you get!!!

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LOLZ squad! Assemble!

Goth dude: Lawrence...

Opera chick: Oophiliaaaaaa!

Hillbilly: Lenny!

Random hyper girl: ZOZO!!!!

*they all blow up*

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*drinks some coffe* ahhh i am getting a hyper sonic sugher rush*runs around the world in 8 seconds* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Why does Hioshen have a cumshot as his avatar, and I can't say cr*p.

I'm not complaining mainly because i don't want to get banned, but isn't that just kinda counter-active to the whole family friendly environment thing.

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Curly from the 3 stooges: woooh wooh wooh wooh wooh! *spinning around the floor*

well that was random I guess

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