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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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K, I just had to baby sit some friends 6 year old, and now I have to go repair my Lego trains.

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Eesh that's a pain, to bad they weren't on Blockland if they were you could show them of online, and they couldn't be destroyed by Random tots...

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^ Most of them are saved on Lego.com just type in Factory into the search box and when your in the gallery type Lilacs772 into the search by user box.

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--------{Warning: Alot of crazy comp-talk a head...}--------

I have been reading on a site named tomshardware.com and I found some TOTALY INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuff.........................

...I read about things like intel QUAD core (WTF!!!?? DUAL CORE HAS NOT EXISTED FOR THAT LONG TIME...) but it seems like intel is first this time, Intel seems to lead when it is to performance nowadays, for now.  When Intel introduced thier Intel Core Duo processors that should be like 39% faster then past processors, AMD was forced/had to lower the prices of thier processors.

AMD was first with Dual core, now Intel is first with Quad core, and I Know that Quadruple core comes someday in a not so long time.... >_>... probally...  but what shall the names be? well I know that about storage that the maximum that has been able to be achived or so, or counted.. it "yottabytes" wich sounds strange...

The games gets more and more like in graphics like pre-rendered animation movies... ofcourse it's awesome... but its just too.. too... exaggerated....

And well, when you don't got money to uppdate your computer with the latest parts frequently (well like every 2nd year..) you just feels bad cause you miss things and or so....

The review of PS3 said:

~"PlayStation 3 is a machine with big potential, "fully lared" with useablel functions and refinements, but it miss the software and full functionaily that is demanded to  make it to a must-buy. Sonys console is really secured for the future, but that future is not here yet."

And well you would need a large Screen, souroundsound and such to be able to fully get the experiences....

and I also found a "office computer" that costs from $18 500 - $24 750 with max  256 GFlops of performance and 40GB Ram >_>;; .....

They just rush the power of tech so much and fast it ain't even funny..

(Sorry, I kinda needed to get it all out with this or how to say....)

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Is that serious..? Well I do feel outdated basicly every time I checks the news on this subject...

And I can't be offtopic in an offtopic-thread like this right?..

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