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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Too bad we do not live in the real world..... Please, pick either the blue pill or the red pill.... If you pick both, it has the same effects as 10 pills of viagra... even if u r female.... So please, pick one.. *Chugs root beer*

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I chose the one with the skull on it. Best decision I made all da-....


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"Lets the bodies hit the..... FLOOOOOOOORR"

Darn.... where to hide them now? The cellar is full, the ditch is to obvious, hmmm. aHA

*Drops the bodies off at the mobile home neighborhood*

No one will EVER suspect it was me......

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The only flaw with that plan, Puffy...



And so on and so forth.

(Random afterthought: is asploding like exploding inwards, or the opposite of explode, which is not exploding?)

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(Random afterthought: is asploding like exploding inwards, or the opposite of explode, which is not exploding?)

Nope, it's just a more epic version of explosion, usually involving the head. Just ask Puff, I'm sure he's well acquainted with the art of asplode. :P  :shock:
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The way i see it, asploding is both a implosion and an explosion! It starts off with the implosion, then just before it pops, it explodes with 100x greater force that it regularly would.

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  • 2 weeks later...

e = mc2.


m = e / c2.


c = square root (e / m).

Yay for algebraic manipulation!

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Ok.... well.... The g-diffuser does not diffuse gravity as much as it numbs the feeling of inertia. It compensates the gravity so that inertia, though still there, is not felt. Allowing the pilot to do many things without feeling the acceleration.

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There's no excuse for missing your birthday, but you have to admit, being abducted by aliens is a pretty good one.

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Good idea.

Eating butter and biscuits for breakfast.  :D

Bad idea.

Eating ACID and biscuits for breakfast.  ;)

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Eating ACID and biscuits for breakfast.

How is that entirely possible without being intentional?

I hope intentional wasn't the point...  ;)

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The point is intentionally possible, which is both possible and intentional, not to mention its existence as a point--a point that is a possibility to an intentional degree.

Post #1234!  *brick'd for not being a multiple of one hundred*

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