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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Dear God, please bless my friend who has severe self esteem issues. Please let her know that she is a good person.

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Guest Julius Quasar

:lolhyst: Walt Disney used that joke in an old Chip 'n' Dale cartoon!

I think I saw that, yeah, Chip and Dale played a prank on Donald, and later in the episode, C & D made Donald accidentally blasta hole in the floor of the barn, where he had all his apples stored, and a dude shouted in Chinese to Donald from the other side of the hole, and then he and Donald did the whole "Apple Core, Morty-more!" joke, and at the "Who's your friend?" question, Donald says "ME!" and the Chinese dude threw all of Donald's apples at him (after they had been blasted  into apple cores) xD

as kids we did that joke in school when we were little

"Apple Core!"


"Who's your friend?"


*bop!* (the guys who asked who's you friend had to throw the apple core at himself this time!) XD

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Haha in Sylums sig about the grenade thats actually in an old infantry training book my dad has.

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*looks at Fail4Life's signature* Are you really LoftyBird?

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Roger Ebert: 1 1/2 stars out of 4.

Optimus: *steps on Roger* F@#$ you!! You don't HAVE to watch it again if you didn't like it!! At least I liked it, Jetfire's dragshoot fart, Bumblebee crying like a baby some more, and Devestator's balls got me giddy. ^^

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All your base are belong to us.

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All your base are belong to us.

Kali:ain't that the truth :P
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Guest Fail4Life

avgn- yeah! *electric buzzing* its alive... ITS ALIVE! *franken-nerd raises*

*looks at Fail4Life's signature* Are you really LoftyBird?

[its true  :|]

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"Shush girl, shut your lips.

Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips!

I said shush girl, shut your lips.

Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips!"

(AUGH I HATE "Don't Trust Me!" B-but it's so darn catchy. xP)

I never did like that song PURGE  THE UNCLEAN!!!
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*reads a newspaper saying the Saudi palace has been blown to the ground* :D :D :D :D :D

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:shock: woah really?

Yeah, because the country's no good. When Bush invaded the Mid East he should've just hit the Saudis with a nuke. :P

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(this was a conversation in our class with me, the teacher, my friend, and some girl)

Girl: My moms a nuclear scientist

Friend: Pffff, ya right! What would a nuclear scientist want to do in Memphis

Me: Probably plan X - blow up downtown.

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