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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Guest Julius Quasar

Adult Swim Shows I love:

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Robot Chicken

Family Guy

King of the Hill

The Oblongs

The Venture Brothers



Adult Swim shows I hate:


The Tim and Eric Awesome Show


Home Movies

The Brak Show

Sealab 2021

Tom Goes to the Mayor

Harvey Birdman, Atty at Law

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:fox:So am I

Still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a

Good Reason

Can't find hope to believe in.

Drop dead!

A bullet in my head

Your words are like a gun in hand

You can't change the state of the nation

Just lies

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:And more contradiction

:fox:So tell me what would you say

I'd say its time (to listen)

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:So am I

Still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a

Good reason

Can't find hope to believe in!

:fox:Ignorance and understanding

Were the first ones to jump in line

Out of step for what we believe in

But whos left? to start the pleading

How far will we take this

Its not hard

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:To see through the sickness

:fox:So tell me what would you say

I'd say its time (to listen)

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:So am I

Still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a

Good reason

Can't find hope to believe in!

:fox:This cant last forever

Time wont make things better

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:I feel so alone

Cant help myself

And no one knows

If this is worthless

Tell me: so

:fox:What have we done

Were in a war that cant be won

This cant be real

I dont know what to feel

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:So am I

Still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a

Good reason

Can't find hope to believe in!

:fox::falco::slippy::krystal:So am I

Still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a

Good reason

Can't find hope to believe in!

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My one weakness is the waffle iron.

*throws waffle iron*

dO you like pancakes yes we liek pancakes  do you liek waffes yes we like waffles EVILWAFFLES!

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I'm bored...



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...I never really was on your side...

That's okay, every current member on here seems to hate me.

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Guest Para Astaroth

(Quote from the Spy, Arwing, but you are true to your word)

Well, APRIL FOOLS, Dumb@$$! ~Walter from Spark of Insanity

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(Quote from the Spy, Arwing, but you are true to your word)

What does that mean?

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It's one of his taunts in TF2 when you have him wielding his revolver.

You said I was true to my word though. By "My word", do you mean I'm a total jacka@#?

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Guest Para Astaroth

You said I was true to my word though. By "My word", do you mean I'm a total jacka@#?

I'm pretty sure that you'll agree if I say 'yes'  :|

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I feel really upset right now, and I can't make it go away. :'( Something is wrong.

Aww. :(

I'm pretty sure that you'll agree if I say 'yes'  :|

Gee, thanks, now I realize I have no purpose on this forum.

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I see the bar isn't the only place with drama in it. -_-;

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Please don't leave like Pig-Kay did!

I will if Para doesn't stop treating me like sh@#.

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Ugh, see? I try to make some peace and I end up making people upset. Today's just been rotten for me.

No, it's just Para's fault. No offense, but I wish we had never even let him join the forum. All he does is pi@# everyone off worse than I ever have.

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Guest Para Astaroth

No, it's just Para's fault. No offense, but I wish we had never even let him join the forum. All he does is pi@# everyone off worse than I ever have.

Likewise to you, Arwing.

*Finalizes post*

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