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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Falco- Hey Mozart, I'm NOT on your side!

Peppy- Use the brakes to get trough!!
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Andross- Aah! The DAUGHTER of James McCloud....

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Andross- Those GLASS BOTTLES are A match for me....

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Guest Julius Quasar

Lola: *dances on stage, and sings*



(I can't find that song on youtube, dammit! :x )

(this'll have to do for now, it's a similar song)


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Peppy: Be careful, it’s a crap!

Slippy: Temperature is 100000000000000000000000 and climbing.

Falco: All right I'll admit it. You did bad, Fox. 

Bill: Bulldog unit, let everything through!

Andross: Now you will feel TRUE PAIN! ......  OW!!! STOP THAT! THAT HURTS!!

Wolf's Mom: Son, what color phone do you want?

Wolf: I… can't… chose!!

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Wolf:*out cold*

Panther:Sneaking up on Kursed

Kursed:Never Mess with Kursed. *cleans hands then kicks panther*

Panther:*doubles over*

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Guest Julius Quasar

:panther: : "Hello, I am Panther Caruso, and all who see my rose meet death." :cool:

(So cool, lol)

"Hello, I am Ignigio Montoya!  You killed my father! Prepare to die!"

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:panther: : "Hello, I am Panther Caruso, and all who see my rose meet death." :cool:

(So cool, lol)

Kursed:WHenever I see panthers Rose I want to puke...
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Announcer from Pole Positions 2: Prepare to qualiDIE!!!!!

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:panther: : "Hello, I am Panther Caruso, and all who see my rose meet death." :cool:

(So cool, lol)

Hello, my name is Ryu, and i can HADOUKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm thinking Arby's.

I''m lovin' it

Eat Fresh

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Have it your way.

Taste the Un-fried side of KFC.

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Heidi's got new high tops!

"I don't understand!"

*snap* It's a girl thing!

(So obnoxious!)

(and annoying.)

"Why  do I even try."

what do they say when

Girl:I don't understand...

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heeerees johnny! ha ha ha *psycho*

HERES" KURSED! Flys in swiign on a vine*
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Yo whatsup everybodeh dis is Herman Li

PAnther.. I'd like you too meet the foot of my Mech :D
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Yo whatsup everybodeh dis is Herman Li

And i speed everything i play up to make it sound fast!!!

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Guest Julius Quasar

The World Economy sat on a wall,

The World Economy had a great fall,

All the kings horses,

and all the King's men

Had to move back in with their parents again.  :P

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