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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Everybody run..... Kirby's got a gun....

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Caboose: I will call him... Crunchbite!

Andy: That's a stupid name!

Caboose: Well, I think it's better than *your* suggestion.

Church: *Walks in, sees alien* Caboose, who are you-- HOLY S***!!!

Alien: Blarg!!!

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Caboose: I will call him... Crunchbite!

Andy: That's a stupid name!

Caboose: Well, I think it's better than *your* suggestion.

Church: *Walks in, sees alien* Caboose, who are you-- HOLY S***!!!

Alien: Blarg!!!

Did sombody barf up a rotten fish here? (or soemthing like that.

Tucker;Ha Ha some slimy toothed monster scared teh crap outta Church!

Tex:He din't scare the crap out him he scared the 'Soul' outta him

Tucker:Ahh who cares he's church his  Soul is made out of Crap.

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num num num...........num

AHHH DIARY MILK PRODUCTS!!! :slippy: :slippy: :slippy:............ :slippy:

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(Actually, It goes like this...)

Alien: BLARG!!!

Caboose: Stop! He is my friend! He is not going to eat anybody...

Andy: Yeah, he thinks you stink too much to eat.

Tex: He thinks *we* stink? Ugh, it smells like somebody set a fish on fire!

Church: Man, that thing's breath smells like infected cheese on a hot plate! *Coughs*

Alien: RARGH!!!

Andy: I don't think he liked that...

Tucker: Man, what is that stench? Is a skunk juggling dead hamsters in here? *Looks at alien* What'd you do, eat and then throw up a can of trash?

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Yet he can still do a Barrel Roll, all hale the barrel roll!

Dancing japenese waffle zombies!

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do i smell... Doomlook.gif FEAR?!

FEAR? THIS IS DOOM!!!! (DooM for the win)
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my options:

1-dodge and shoot

2-do a barrel roll and die.

-minutes later-

*do a barrel roll and dies*

i think the opition 1 was better.


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your darnned right it is!

I still play it today, hints the "Doom Player" in my signature ticker.
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Guest Para Astaroth


^ No...  (Word is getting REALLY old now... :oops:)

((This also includes "Epic Fail"))


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I still play it today, hints the "Doom Player" in my signature ticker.

Doom 98?
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Doom 98?

Just Doom, from 1993.  I use a source port called GZDoom and Skulltag.
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how to breed your own energy plant:

1: get a battery and bury it on an earth jar.

2: water it for at least 1 year

3: ready then an renovable source of energy!

~ made by :slippy:

this is not my idea, slippy thinked on that stupidity.

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Just Doom, from 1993.  I use a source port called GZDoom and Skulltag.

I bought this collectors edition back when Doom3 was coming out.
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[uT2k4 alien voice] You fight like Nali! [/uT2k4 alien voice]

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