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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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*looks to kursed* GOMU GOMU NO PISTOL! (from one piece) *hits her face*

*Grabs you hand and throws you over her head*
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a few second before my hand hit my face: -oh shiiittttt!!!!!! *gets hit in slow-motion*

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Guest Matt macdowel

*teleports exactly behind you with a beam katana (won't get unless you played no more heroes) and cut your head off*

yeah! i CAN teleport!

played it and beat it i only played NMH2 you play as travis touchdown

but i am matt macdowel the king of mercenaries the best of the best

*unleashes the furry of zerkaios*

*pimps smacks kursed and teleports and runs away*

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*Rips off matts arm before he teleports away* I HATE PIMPS!!!!!!!

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*teleport to inside matt macdowel's stomach and rip him from inside-out*

*re-teleport in front of kursed* -you owe me one.

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Guest Matt macdowel

*body parts come back*

you can kill EVIL JESUS!

*runs into kursed house and steels all the biscouts and takes off running*

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*fires an emp gunshot at aparoid krystal and then kill it with a beam katana*

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Guest Matt macdowel


*throws blanket under myself*

hehehe no one can find me now i have the best hidding spot

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*throws blanket under myself*

hehehe no one can find me now i have the best hidding spot

Don't be so sure about that! Everyone heard you say that! Besides, part of you is visible even though you're under the blanket! In fact, that's not even a blanket! You have a washcloth on your head.

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okay! now let's take that washcoth off your head, but where you are? i can't find you!

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okay! now let's take that washcoth off your head, but where you are? i can't find you!

He was a magician he used a Level 13 vanishing spell, and he used the washcloth to do so!

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so we just need to blow up the whole place to find him right? i don't see any problem for looking for his body under the ruins.

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a radioactive monkey to be exact. and he has a bomb.

And he is King kong. XD LOL


Or Andross. O_o    :oops:

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And he is King kong. XD LOL


Or Andross. O_o    :oops:

He's King Kong OR Andross, meaning he alternates between forms?

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He's King Kong OR Andross, meaning he alternates between forms?

O_o Haven't thought of it that way. Maaaayyybee.  :) :lol:

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Oh, and here comes Mothra and Godzilla to help battle him!

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