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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Guest Matt macdowel


*jumps out the window*

now they can't kill me

*steels a ferrari and drives it to a safe place*

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*grabs a bomb control and activate a bomb under the ferrari, blowing you up*

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Guest Matt macdowel

*grabs a bomb control and activate a bomb under the ferrari, blowing you up*

*spirt comes out* u fool now i can hunt you forever

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haunting? ha! i know what to do when gosths appear. *call the gosthbusters*

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Guest Matt macdowel

haunting? ha! i know what to do when gosths appear. *call the gosthbusters*


*takes over your body*

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.........gawd, ran out of randomness.................

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OMG i just go out for five minutes and this place is a war field. mmm? hey who made a hole in the mantle of time!!.

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*appears out of the hole while driving a car with a drill attached to the front*

Sorry. It looked soooooo tempting!  :lol:

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*appears out of the hole while driving a car with a drill attached to the front*

Sorry. It looked soooooo tempting!  :lol:

(it's OK, I wanted to see an answer like that.)

mm that's a nice car and, why i don't have one?...

o well I'm going to shoot down someone. (grab a sinper rifle, goes to the top of a building and starts shooting everything)

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Guest Matt macdowel

(it's OK, I wanted to see an answer like that.)

mm that's a nice car and, why i don't have one?...

o well I'm going to shoot down someone. (grab a sinper rifle, goes to the top of a building and starts shooting everything)

*calls in airstrike on all of the building*

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*calls in airstrike on all of the building*

O M G, that will hurt in the morning.

after the airstrike, under a pile of rubble: wow, that was close, thank goodness i have this sandvich that protected me.

call a silverwing and starts to chase down the planes.

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Guest Matt macdowel

O M G, that will hurt in the morning.

after the airstrike, under a pile of rubble: wow, that was close, thank goodness i have this sandvich that protected me.

call a silverwing and starts to chase down the planes.

oh bob saget,,, chuck go get me my light saver

*pulls out tlightsaver* used the force!

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Oh darn it, who was the one who ate all the cookies!?

well i looks like I'll have to search the biscuits.  *sniff*

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My exams are going to start on this week! also i drunk much coffe! *fires laser* blargghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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5th time burger knig forgot to put BACON IN MY BURGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My exams are going to start on this week! also i drunk much coffe! *fires laser* blargghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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