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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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i got the refrence...

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                                :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

                                :idea:  insert a witty comment here   :idea:

                                :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:  :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

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? You oughta see me metamorphosize, from Barney Jeckyll into Bubba Hyde ?

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Micheal Bay presents: EXPLOSIONS! Coming soon!


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Guest Mr. Mario

He wants to be the very best like no one ever was.

To punch them is his real test, to knee them is his cause.

He will travel across the land, kicking far and wide.

F-Zero racers to understand, the power thats inside.

FALCON PAWNCH: Gotta punch 'em all

It's you and me.

I know it's his destiney.


ooo...no one's his friend, in a world he must defend.

FALCON PAWNCH: gotta punch 'em all

Show me yo moves!!!!!

His courage will pull him through, you punch me and I'll punch you...


Gotta punch 'em all, gotta punch 'em all.


Every brawl along the way

With power he can face

He will battle everday

to claim his rightful place

Come with him, the time is right

There's no better F-Zero racer

Hand to hand, he'll win the fight

It's always been his dream

FALCON PAWNCH: Gotta punch 'em all

It's you and me.

I know it's his destiney.


ooo...no one's his friend, in a world he must defend.

FALCON PAWNCH: gotta punch 'em all

Show me yo moves!!!!!

His courage will pull him through, you punch me and I'll punch you...


Gotta punch 'em all, gotta punch 'em all.


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I'm not afraid of Cougar attacks, in fact, I welcome them

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Ive got buh-buh-buh-balls of steel!

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[uT2K4 Knightmare voice] I must break you! [/uT2K4 Knightmare voice]

[unggoy voice] He's gonna kill us all!!! [/unggoy Voice]

*Throaty Sangheili roar*

*M290 Double-barrel shotgun fires*

*Sanghili scream*

[uT2K4 Knightmare voice] I'll swallow your soul! [/uT2K4 Knightmare voice]

*Throws Plasma Grenade*

[unggoy voice] Get it iff! Get it off!!! [/unggoy voice]

[uT2K4 Knightmare voice] Fresh Meat! [/uT2K4 Knightmare voice]

free grandola bar to the first investigator who figures out what just happened!

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Big...Bad...Beetle Borgs.....

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Big...Bad...Beetle Borgs.....

To the tune of Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown

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To the tune of Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown

Hey there Charlie Brown!!

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I... will... kell... you!

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ale ale ale ale aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...................................................... (cker)

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-pulls at OneWingedAngel92302s' hair-

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-pulls at OneWingedAngel92302s' hair-

you do realize i haven't taken a shower since wendsday RIGHT?

(nah just pullin your leg)

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Why did you turn my monitor off, I didn't save my game!

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Madness.......THIS IS STAR FOX ONLINE!!!!

(Kicks Mr. Mario into the pitt.)

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Guest Mr. Mario

Madness.......THIS IS STAR FOX ONLINE!!!!

(Kicks Mr. Mario into the pitt.)


Any last request before I scare you to pieces?

[Pruned to save disk space]

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