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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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dkheuyryeruiwehyjkdhjkkhhKHSHDSHGDYUWGDKWFUIC YUFVTWEYF VEYTWEFIWYTAEIFUYTWRFEYTGSDUYWEIOYFFTYUEFTUIAYF78WE76R7834823748923789473894723894748 B895RGF4B5789357VG9B579346B5V38BQ45W45UHYUI45HWI34Y5WL;34U5'W345W';345'W345I4OPW345IW3  :trollface:

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Happy peanuts soar over chocolate covered mountaintops and waterfalls of caramel. Prancing nougat in a meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the world.

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a man offends me i cut of his tounge, steals from i cut off his hands , rebells against me i cut off his head and show every one his is the boss

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The only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon 'quickie' with their 8-year old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a Mars Bar and tell him to report on all the Street activities.

He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation:

There's a car being towed from the parking lot,' he shouted.

An ambulance just drove by!'

Looks like the Anderson's have company,' he called out.

Matt's riding a new bike!'

Looks like the Sanders are moving!'

Jason is on his skate board!'

After a few moments he announced, 'The Coopers are shagging!!'

Startled, his mother and dad shot up in bed! Dad cautiously called out,

How do you know they're shagging?'

Jimmy Cooper is standing on his balcony with a Mars Bar.

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Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish


Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish

What if it was you hanging up on this wall,

If it was you in that sandwich, you wouldn't be laughing at aalll


Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish

Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish

(bada ba ba ba)


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Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish


Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish

What if it was you hanging up on this wall,

If it was you in that sandwich, you wouldn't be laughing at aalll


Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish

Gimme back that Filet o' Fish, Gimme that Fish

(bada ba ba ba)



That commercial is annoying as hell, but unfortunately catchy! :lol:

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That commercial is annoying as hell, but unfortunately catchy! :lol:


1. work there

2. own the fish :)

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I was travellin' down the road

Feelin' hungry and cold

I saw a sign sayin'

Food and drinks for everyone

So naturally I thought

I would take me a look inside

I saw so much food

There was water coming from my eyes

Yeah, there was ham and there was turkey

There was caviar

And long tall glasses

With wine up to y'are

And somebody grabbed me

Threw me out of my chair

Said "before you can eat

You gotta dance like Fred Astaire"

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There's a freakin' Tiger in my Bathroom!!!!!




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*Juggling 5 40 mm HE's*

Do you really want to be near me when I Fail on this one?


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Are you crying?

It's only the rain.

The rain already stopped.

Devils never cry

"But undeads do."

-Signed, [shadow=red,right]The Undead Sorcerer[/shadow]

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ninethousand ninehundred ninety bottles off piss on my wall ninethounsand ninehundred bottles of piss take off chug it dawn and  :facepalm:

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ninethousand ninehundred ninety bottles off piss on my wall ninethounsand ninehundred bottles of piss take off chug it dawn and  :facepalm:

A man approaches you.

Turns out to be a security inspecter

who does not like piss in bottles.


A] Pay the fine he will most certainly

    force you to pay.

B] Drink the piss from the bottles. Perhaps

    the horror will scare the inspector?

C] Run away! Run away! The police has arrived!


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Guest Mr. Mario

Making your way in the world today

takes everything you've got.

Taking a break from all your worries,

sure would help alot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

All those nights when you've got no lights,

the check is in the mail;

and your little angel

hung the cat up by its tail;

And your third fiance didnt show;

Sometimes you want to go

where everybody knows your name,

and they're always glad you came;

You want to be where you can see,

Our troubles are all the same;

You want to be where everybody knows your name.

Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead;

The morning's looking bright;

And your shrink ran off to Europe,

And didn't even write;

And your husband wants to be a girl;

Be glad there's one place in the world

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

You want to go where people know,

People are all the same;

You want to go where everybody knows your name.

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came...

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