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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Making your way in the world today

takes everything you've got.

Taking a break from all your worries,

sure would help alot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

All those nights when you've got no lights,

the check is in the mail;

and your little angel

hung the cat up by its tail;

And your third fiance didnt show;

Sometimes you want to go

where everybody knows your name,

and they're always glad you came;

You want to be where you can see,

Our troubles are all the same;

You want to be where everybody knows your name.

Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead;

The morning's looking bright;

And your shrink ran off to Europe,

And didn't even write;

And your husband wants to be a girl;

Be glad there's one place in the world

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

You want to go where people know,

People are all the same;

You want to go where everybody knows your name.

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came...

Not HYPERIA, certainly. :wink:

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I washed the Eagle, and the Camaro, nice and shiny, and....WHY DOES MY COMPUTER SAY CAMARO ISN'T A WORD?????

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God I hate Babysitting...

*looks out his apartment window seeing kids in Combine outfits playing with rocket launcher's and spamming oil barrol's*

*sigh* better go down there and 30 minute ban them before they crash this dam thing....

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*Slamms  Dog against the wall* "Alright Rover your going to tell me everything I need to know before I Pry into your brain!"

Wow, so many users online yet nobody is posting....

Tell me about it.
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*Slamms  Dog against the wall* "Alright Rover your going to tell me everything I need to know before I Pry into your brain!"

Tell me about it.

-tackles Kursed- leave puppy alone!!!

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-tackles Kursed- leave puppy alone!!!

*Grabs Cortet with other hand and slamms against wall too "Perhaps you have some information I'd like to hear?" Looks between the two vulpine and the Dog soldier. "Spit it out  or i'll pry it out."
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*Grabs Cortet with other hand and slamms against wall too "Perhaps you have some information I'd like to hear?" Looks between the two vulpine and the Dog soldier. "Spit it out  or i'll pry it out."

OK...OK...I'll tell you.....Do you know...the muffin man?

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Guest Mr. Mario

Hahaha, oh silly Kursed, It's always shoot first and ask questions later hmm? NO WEAPONS KURSED.

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"The muffin man?"


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Hahaha, oh silly Kursed, It's always shoot first and ask questions later hmm? NO WEAPONS KURSED.

*Picks up Mr. Mario by the collar of his shirt, using only his left arm*

"I thought got rid of you with a Meteor last!"

*throws him out the third story window*

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"The muffin man?"

The muffin man.....

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Guest Mr. Mario

*Picks up Mr. Mario by the collar of his shirt, using only his left arm*

"I thought got rid of you with a Meteor last!"

*throws him out the third story window*

"You thought wrong."


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"So the muffin man is in on this too?" "The one on Drury lane?"

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"So the muffin man is in on this too?" "The one on Drury lane?"

yes....but she is married to the muffin man....

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yes....but she is married to the muffin man....

"Who is She?" *Glares into Cortets eyes.*
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"Who is She?" *Glares into Cortets eyes.*

Drury Lane

(Shrek reference :P)

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"So how did the  Muffin man Marry the street?"

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I dunno....but he did

that is the information i have let the puppy go

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"No The puppy your refuring to knows of the mafia that I'm tasked with eliminating."

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the one cartoon guy from adult swim uhh i forget the cartoon.

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See if you can find who's not facepalming...


"No The puppy your refuring to knows of the mafia that I'm tasked with eliminating."

I'll elim8 you if touch my brother (getting myself bored lol)

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