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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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looks like a combine soldier from half-life.

I know. I would have put a storm trooper, but... never mind... I'll try that... I just got a couple of ideas  :lol:

I'm going to make an offer you can't refuse

Chocolate cookie?!  :D

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Guest Mr. Mario

Chocolate cookie?!  :D

Better than that...

If you promise not to post any game info on SF-O, I'll give you StarFox Wii

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Better than that...

If you promise not to post any game info on SF-O, I'll give you StarFox Wii

:shock: I'll take it! (Wish)

(This gunman is out to hit the rack. Night Y'all)

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I probably should go to bed too. I have to get up sooo early tomorrow and take my sister to see Twilight Eclipse. I sure do hope its better then the last one. O_o

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Megaman FTW!!!!!!!

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Gentlemen... I'm not spy.

(Hmmmmm.... I wonder who'll get the reference?)

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We've spelled "Ufn" by the way. :P

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K is for Kemorainian.

P is for Phayder.

A is for Assassin.

C is for the Colorful fatality he performs on you using a coat hangar and an electric toaster.

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Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils

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Ah, some John Dalton and Doctor Meyer lines:

Meyer: Could ya keep it down out there?!? I'm trying to work in here!

John: First I'm gonna wring his neck, then I'm gonna shoot him, and then I'm gonna kick his @$$ right off this rooftop!

John: Are ya done in there? I could've *built* a damn radio by now!

Meyer: I doubt that. They don't have instructions written in MORON.

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:krystal:Fox  Meet my new freidn

:slippy:Hi my name is Moron.

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MORE John and Meyer lines!

Meyer: Could ya hurry it up out there?

John: You late for the prom or something?

Meyer: I shoulda called in the Marines!

John: They're few, they're proud, and THEY AIN'T HERE!!!

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Oops... I spoke.

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*Fires pie launcher  at Star _Dragon* WITH PIE!!!

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*Materializes Sangheili and moves out of the way*

*Pie hits Sangheili, head falls off*

Ya missed!

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"You don't like apple pie?"

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"You don't like apple pie?"

Sure I do! I just don't like it flying at my head at 100 MILES PER HOUR!

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it was only going 5

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Oh? I don't suppose you have chocolate creme pie?

(Gotta sign off for a while. Later!)

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