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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Oh, it's the apocalypse. I'd always thought I would have a hand in it.

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"Are you gonna be my new friend?"

"I'm gonna cut your throat open and use your blood as syrup on my pancakes. Yaaaaaaay!"

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Sometimes... I dream about cheese...

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Sometimes... I dream about cheese...

Is your pillow gone when you wake up? :P

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Nope. Hate cheese.

Here's a bit of philosophy.

Ever think... the Universe is infinite, right? So everything we think of exists somewhere, somehow, right? That's something to think about.

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Guest Mr. Mario

Can switching to Nintendo really save you 15% or more on game insurence?

Does Krystal even know how to do a barrel roll?

:fox: Krystal you got enemies on your tail!

:peppy: DO A BARREL ROLL, quick.


:krystal: Crap...

CUT! Peppy you forget to say 'to barrel roll press z or r twice', that's why Krystal didn't even do one...

:peppy: Sorry...

Let's try again, action!

:fox: Krystal you got enemies on your tail!


:krystal: What does that do?

:peppy: DO A LOOP!

CUT...Peppy...the line is DO A BARREL ROLL, then Krystal asks how you do it and then...

:peppy: You could've told me during my coffee break.

:krystal: I'll be in my room...

:fox: *facepalm*

Nintendo, 15 mintues could save you 15% or more on game insurence.


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uh, i am lost in the desert  lukly i can navagate my way using the star (points twords the sun) if you floow the star it will always always take you home ....50% of the time

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Boom shaka-laka-laka Boom shaka-laka-laka

[Freddie:] Feeling's nitty-gritty

[Larry:] Sound is in the city too

[Rose:] Music's still flashin' me

[sly:] Don't ya want to get higher

Baby baby baby light my fire.

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l  l  l  l  l  l  l  l  l Train tracks!

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You just can't deny the epic-ness! :D

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There is so much win in that video that it blows my mind! :D

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Guest Mr. Mario

There is so much win in that video that it blows my mind! :D

I'll send you my Gameboy printer that makes that sound while it is printing.


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Wipe my ass and put on cartoons!

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