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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Nobody messes with Noah. Not even Chuck Norris.

Everytime someone says his name, this happenes.

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(bored.....but enjoy)

"This little old lady gets pulled over by a police officer.

when he walks up to the cars he says, "Mame, I caught you for speeding, may i see your license and registration please.."

she replies "No"

confused the officer asks. "Why can't you let me see your license and registration?"

her response, "Because I stole this car and I tied the owner up and stuffed him into the trunk..."

Nervous, the officer calls for back up.

after about ten minutes, back up appears, with the sheriff walking up to the side of the car.

HE asks, "Mame, I need to see the license and registration for this car.."

she then hands him a card and paper

as he is looking at it he soon says, "Mame, can you open your trunk please..."

she then pops the trunk ope n for him

he peers inside

confused he walks back to the woman and says, "OK....the officer over there said you had stolen this car....yet it is in your name, and that you tied the owner up and threw him in the trunk, yet all i found there was junk........"

the lady responds.


the moral....little old ladies have ways of getting out of speeding tickets.....

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Don't worry Simba, if you cry hard enough your father will come back from the grave

I hated that review. Then again the movies he reviews are CRAP! I did like the Captain N, End of Days, and The Wizard review though. And lets not forget his movie: Kickassia.

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OMG....FIREFOX IS IN THE STARS!!!!! (prophecy?)

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OMG....FIREFOX IS IN THE STARS!!!!! (prophecy?)

Yeah, it is the prophecy of: The Furrification.

One day, when the stars aling correctly,

all furries will be turned into anthros.

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Yeah, it is the prophecy of: The Furrification.

One day, when the stars aling correctly,

all furries will be turned into anthros.


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me too  :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel:

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Thrice.  :grovel:

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i would LOVE to have a tail  :idea:

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i would LOVE to have a tail  :idea:

You and me both! :P

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Yeah, it is the prophecy of: The Furrification.

One day, when the stars aling correctly,

all furries will be turned into anthros.


i would LOVE to have a tail  :idea:

Me too. :)

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that and the ears.....i would love to have ears i could move like my cat (who looks like he is getting CNN with as much as he turns his ears)

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You and me both.

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You and me both.

Yeah....I'd rather have the full transformation :P

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:poke:      :zzz:

:poke: and then  :collapse:

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Me, not so much. For one, summers would SUCK, and two, people would fear you and try to capture you for testing.

If you just had the tail and ears, you can easily hide them.

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Me, not so much. For one, summers would SUCK, and two, people would fear you and try to capture you for testing.

If you just had the tail and ears, you can easily hide them.

Well, we can still say it is a nice

theory compared that this


TO AN END!!!!!111" of 2010 :P.

(But just to clarify I do not believe in


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That would be cool, but I don't have the money to replace all my clothing, and my new hat wouldn't fit with ears, that that is a $140 Stetson.

I'd love to meat a cute girl like that though

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Azul: Where is my love?

Thunder: You fell in love with some.. thing?

Azul: What's the matter with that?

Thunder:... Because from what I've learned... love is in the air

Azul: What are you trying to say?

Thunder: You can only feel it, not see it, as it is in the air...

:trollface: :trollface: :lol: :lol:

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Well, we can still say it is a nice

theory compared that this


TO AN END!!!!!111" of 2010 :P .

(But just to clarify I do not believe in


Errrr... Do you mean 2012?

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Guest Mr. Mario

Ways to toture your game cartridge...

1. Put it in a toaster

2. Set it on fire

3. Take a dump on it

4. Smash it with a hammer

5. Toss it to a brick wall

And it goes on.....

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