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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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"Oh show some back bone uhh man!"

I was just quoting a movie I'm watching thats all.

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I was just quoting a movie I'm watching thats all.

I was quoting something too.
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From what?

A game
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Yeah blowing up stuff never gets old.

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Can something happen before I start shooting?!

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Someone would slash at you.

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How do I beat the master? I Get him when he least expects it!

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Who is your daddy and what does he do?

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Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Toaster Strudels are like an orgasm in the mouth.

There's your answer!

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We had a lot of luck on Venus

We always had a ball on Mars

Meeting all the groovey people

We've rocked the Milky Way so far

We danced around with Borealice

We're space truckin' round the the stars

Come on let's go Space Truckin'

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During the daytime, we are just normal furries, but at night...no...wait...still furry.

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At happy face clothes.


Guy2:I want an x bag till September 22

Guy1:Just a sec, Manager!


Guy1:AN x bag till September 22

Manager:It will be not done on that day

*On the day 22*

Guy1:Not done yet come back at afternoon

*At afternoon*

Guy1:Not done yet come back tomorrow


Guy1:Not done yet come back on the day 31 of February (get it?)

*On the day 31*



Guy1:Not done yet you know the rest.

Guy2:I want to talk to the manager

Guy1:Impossible he is lunching

Guy2: At 17:00 o clock?

Guy1:That's right

Guy2: *Lunges at Guy1*



Moral: Don't make your customers waiting.

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You know the movie that gives you phone calls when you watch it?

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ring or scream?

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(Ring) Now if somebody watches the video, they get a phone call, or maybe a gift basket? Or maybe a phone call!

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daaaa da da da da daaaaa da da da da da daaaa da da da da daaaaaaaa

(Star wolf in 'da')

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The imperious madness must end!

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O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis,

semper crescis aut decrescis;

vita detestabilis nunc obdurat et tunc curat

ludo mentis aciem, egestatem,

potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis et inanis,

rota tu volubilis, status malus,

vana salus semper dissolubilis,

obumbrata et velata

michi quoque niteris; nunc per ludum

dorsum nudum fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis et virtutis

michi nunc contraria, est affectus

et defectus semper in angaria.

Hac in hora sine mora

corde pulsum tangite; quod per sortem

sternit fortem, mecum omnes plangite!

[2. Fortune plango vulnera]

Fortune plango vulnera

stillantibus ocellis quod sua mihi munera

sub trahit rebellis. Verum est, quod legitur,

fronte capillata, sed plerumque sequitur Occasio calvata.

In Fortune solio sederam elatus,

prosperitatis vario floret cornotatus;

quicquid enim florui felix et beatus,

nunc a summo corrui gloria privatus.

Fortune rota volvitur: descendo minoratus;

alter in altum tollitur; nimis exaltatus

rex sedet in vertice - caveat ruinam

nam sub axe legimus Hecubam reginam.

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