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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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*Picks up grenade launcher* Grenades! Gimme some grenades!

*Picks up a rocket launcher* Hi remember me? You'll always be my old love.

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Random plaer: "I hope no one is claustraphobic....."

minutes pass....

CrackBone: "Or a faggot!"

i love crackbone, hes funny:

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Here are the statistics:

Ants: Attack in groups and have some paralyzing venom as well as superior numbers.

Termites: Larger and have more powerful jaws and can spit acid but only attack one on one.

Who do you think would win?

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i dunno...tough decsion....i would go wit hthe ants becasue there are more of them, an the termites would be overwlemed eventually....but i want to go with the termites becaseu of the the power ful attacks....?

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i dunno...tough decsion....i would go wit hthe ants becasue there are more of them, an the termites would be overwlemed eventually....but i want to go with the termites becaseu of the the power ful attacks....?

IT actually depends on the situation. Outside a termite mound the ants usually win because of their numbers and the open space. But once they get inside then they see that termite mounds have been designed for one on one combat in which numbers are rendered useless because of narrow passages (sound familiar?).
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^nooo.....why, what is this similar too...?

Think about it. Holding a narrow passage from a large invading force rendering the enemies numbers useless.
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alli can think of would be AVP3 or attacking one of your fortresses....

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alli can think of would be AVP3 or attacking one of your fortresses....

Oh for f**s sake. Thermopylae pass? 300? Remember now? The termites use the same strategy as the Spartans did.
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ohh....i dont remebr EVERYTHING in the movie...especially that battle....

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ohh....i dont remebr EVERYTHING in the movie...especially that battle....

That's basically what happened. They held a narrow pass in the cliffs with their giant shields so that the Persian army couldn't harm them much. The battle actually happened too but the statistics were much different then in the movie.
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I'm with the termites. Damn ants think they own everything!

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High brow humor ahoy!

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you probaly diden't rhink you were gonna die today...SUPRISE!!!!!!

*Stabs Worthog117* You did a shabby assassin job didn't you?
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La shai wak'ion motlaq bal kollon momken

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted
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I think The Bible is a pretty cool guy. eh kills people, impedes scientific progress, starts wars, and doesnt afraid of anything.

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