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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Enemy ahead... 1 humanimal platoon of diverse species...  Load up you weapons, boys... we goin' hunting!

*Loads blaster rifle*

Time to show these creatures why man kind is the supreme ruler of the Universe...

*Motions hand signal forward*

Time to extinct them out...  :trollface:

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*hands over a mag*

... Are you serious?!! I meant a Mag of ammo!!!

You gotta specify!

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I swear to God that wall blinked at me...

Really?!! Did it told you where is it hiding ma gold?!

That darn wall stole ma gold!!!


*Crazy ol' prospector dance*

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It said "something something darkside" any idea what this is?

Something Something Something Dark Side,

Something Something Something Complete.


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That's no wall...

That's a space station...

:fox::krystal::wolf::panther::bill::katt::sf64katt: ...  :facepalm:


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Merry Xmas Lobo.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! He thinks I'm dead... He might still be around!  :nervous:

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The Human is Call-sign 'Rebel_Gunman'

The wolf is Lobo.

In short... gunman is the human.

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I know...  :lol:

But what is it that you meant?

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I am the Gunman. The human.

Lobo is my fursona. In story, Created out of my DNA forcefully taken at the Imperial Research Facility on Earth when it was occupied by enemy forces. Lobo escaped and aided other subjects to escape before self destructing the facility.

He doesn't know where he comes from or who is the human whose DNA he was created from.

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what would you recomend for  "holdiay spirt" picture? i have a suggestion, but what would you say?

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I making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS

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It's hard to overstate my satisfaction

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im thinking of christmas scene...but what to do.....

Snow man? Christmas tree? Character with santa hat?

Dang it emp! I had that one ready to go  :x

I think I just accidentallied all over myself. O.o


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Dang it emp! I had that one ready to go  :x

Go then, I won't stop you.
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