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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Scooter says don't walk drive! My daddy always said wheels is better then heels!.......... Uh he was paralyzed though...... Anyway don't walk drive.

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Give me something you can't understand.

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Go away pessimist. :P

I just said it was far off, I didn't say anything about it not being doable.
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I just said it was far off, I didn't say anything about it not being doable.

We just hit the 10,000 post here so it is very far off and we will probably never reach it before this topic dies or gets locked.
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I've also managed to acquire a shipment of armored fighting vehicles, or tanks as the British call them. We should get at least 10 of these, maybe a few more if we are very lucky.

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*after reading comments made about the live action Yogi Bear movie* Fanboys are idiots.

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*after reading comments made about the live action Yogi Bear movie* Fanboys are idiots.

*Falsetto* Say what?

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my forces have a new weapon!

(i took it form fallout 3)


Heavy Incinerator! (it was one of my fav weapons!)

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It makes a wonderful campfire I'm sure.

lol yeah; only it fires balls of fire....very,very far! (it actually shoots napalm..so yeah; makes a great fire....but i dont htink napalm fire would make your s'mores taste good..... ^_^)
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I was a rebel from the day I left school,

grew my hair long and broke all the rules

I'd sit and listen to my records all day,

with big ambitions of where I could play

My parents taught me what life was about,

so I grew up the type they warned me about

They said my friends were just an unruly mob,

and I should get a haircut and get a real job

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The Gunman has landed!  :cool:

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Oooo Nooooo!!!! Me an descubierto!!!!!!

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A, No?! Pero puedo volar!!!

:shock: ...  O_o

Quizas no...  :lol:

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my forces have a new weapon!

(i took it form fallout 3)


Heavy Incinerator! (it was one of my fav weapons!)

*knocks him down with Gauss rifle*

Sorry But I really don't fighting those incinerator troopers and their ugly armor... *takes the weapon while he's down and runs...*

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*knocks him down with Gauss rifle*

Sorry But I really don't fighting those incinerator troopers and their ugly armor... *takes the weapon while he's down and runs...*

O_o Se lo volo!


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