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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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"Hey, you see that New Assault Rifle in the latest issue of Guns 'n Babes....mmmm!"

"What, you actually read that magazine??"

"Of course; i buy it for the articles man!"

(one of the many pieces of banter from the us soldiers in World in Conflict)

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(Real life situation)

*Standing on the magazine section where the adult mags and the assault weapons mags are located. Another Marine walks by and takes a look*

Me: "Wow!! You see that?!

Marine: "Yeah... She's hot, huh?

Me: "What I wouldn't give to play with her!"

Marine: "Yeah."

Me: "Just look at her finish!"

Marine: "Yeah... what do you mean 'finish'?"

*I pick up the magazine right next to a Play Boy Mag*

Me: "The finish of the rifle! Just look at the scope! And that grip!"

Marine: " :facepalm:"

It was talking about an assault rifle magazine!  :lol:

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If you only new...  :lol:

I'm such a dork!  :D

And I love it  :cool:

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On the random Topic....


At least pudding still loves me...

*tryes to pick up pudding and receives a static shock*

DAMN IT!!!!!

*takes out a knife*


*stabs pudding*

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Cheese hasn't betrayed me... yet...

*stares at cheese as dramatic music plays*

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I think I need a new brain.....I dropped my old one off a cliff.

NOBODY MOVE!  I dropped my brain

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"SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Be quiet.... the big dinosaur is hunting us. It already got five of us already and it knows there are more. We should be safe down here at the catacombs. If you leave... you are doomed..."

-Quoting the Gunman Trooper in the catacombs from the Ruins level from 'The Gunman Chronicles'

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"SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Be quiet.... the big dinosaur is hunting us. It already got five of us already and it knows there are more. We should be safe down here at the catacombs. If you leave... you are doomed..."

-Quoting the Gunman Trooper in the catacombs from the Ruins level from 'The Gunman Chronicles'

lol go dinosaur! ^_^
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lol go dinosaur! ^_^


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I sense a disturbance in the force...  :nervous:

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I sense a disturbance in the force...  :nervous:

Yeah...I farted....Sorry. :oops:

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:shock: The force is strong with this one!
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Good to see this topics still alive after all these years  :D

Thanks to you!

For continuing from the original one  :D

I think this is one of the oldest threads! Dating back since I first joined!

*Sits on rocking chair and puts cane on the corner*

Gather 'round, children... Ol' man gunman is gonna tell ya a story...

It all happened a looooong time ago... in a galaxy far, far away...


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I bet that never worked with the chicks....  :hehe: :lol:

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"If I make it back alive, I will buy you all a round at the bar."

"But must of us are under aged or don't drink at all!"

"Exactly  :trollface:"

Lobo: "That is... IF you make it...  :trollface:"

" :shock: Oh, C%@P!!"

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