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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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. . . . that was . . . . stupid . . . . . ROFL (*dying of laughter*) A cold war spec op beaten by a crestation.

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Speaking of Metal Gear, I was "helping" my brother organize his comics and came across an ad for the first game. It had a picture of Kyle Reese Solid Snake and most of the items you find in the game. The cheesy "Gear Up!" slogan made it all the better.

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Ex m0.

Ud0nu0, sxoooj kujkoj weet ed xumrihwohj.

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How scared should we be? Well somewhere between not at all and entirely.

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Ex m0.

Ud0nu0, sxoooj kujkoj weet ed xumrihwohj.

I actually used Google translate on that and now I feel stupid  :hehe:

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Sanctus Jormundgandr!

Sanctus Fernis!

Asinus LOKI!

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Sanctus Jormundgandr!

Sanctus Fernis!

Asinus LOKI!

I actually used Google translate on that and now I feel stupid  :hehe:

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urstovw, xazbcmdef, ghj, kil, np, 0 udt q, den A bden m0 urs'j, dopk kamo nedk 0ei jadw nakx mo.....

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urstovw, xazbcmdef, ghj, kil, np, 0 udt q, den A bden m0 urs'j, dopk kamo nedk 0ei jadw nakx mo.....

Ha I know better now! I touch an electric fence only TWICE before I decide not to do it again  :P

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CeC. 0ei ijot Google Translator. CeC.

(*mouse over Google translator tab*) no! (*takes mouse off the tab*) must resist!

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"I Killed 12 Scientists and none of them fought back; this sucks!"

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Killing scientists isn't very sporting. Killing 8 ft tall spiders, that's more fun.  :lol:

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8 ft tall spiders from Roku San? Ya know, from StarShip Troopers? That's even MORE sporting!

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Are we ready to go here?

*Clears throat* May I have your attention please?


May I have your attention please?


Will the real Sugar baby please speak up?

We're gonna have a problem here!

Y'all act like you've never heard a little white girl before

Jaws all on the floor

Acting like you can buy me in a sugar store


Cruising the halls

You must be looking for more

Cuz I'm bigger than that

And I wont be stuck on the floor


What you laughing at?

Your all talking like, oh wait, no way! You're kidding!

She didn't just sound like I think she did did she?

Yeah yeah yeah!

Hey-Hey-Hey where's sugar?

Where you at?

I'm right here! Sleeping in Mocha's pocket!


Sugar-sugar-sugar-sugar-sugar sugar-baby, sugar-baby!

I'm sugar baby, the REAL sugar baby

All you other sugar babies are just imitating

So wont the real sugar baby please jump up,

Please jump up, please jump up!

Cuz I'm sugar baby, the REAL sugar baby

All you other sugar babies are just imitating

So wont the real sugar baby please jump up,

Please jump up, please jump up!


Look at her, walking around with her own crew,

Mad Dog and Billy and Moca too!

She's so damn short though!


Me slowly saying the following: Yeeaaaah!

That's my girl yo!

And there's a million of us just like me,

Fuss like me, just don't give a fu-- though

OH! hahaaa I would never say that!


Dress like me, walk like me, have hair like me

And might just be the next best thing, but not quite me!

I'm sugar baby, the REAL sugar baby

All you other sugar babies are just imitating

So wont the real sugar baby please jump up,

Please jump up, please jump up!

Cuz I'm sugar baby, the REAL sugar baby

All you other sugar babies are just imitating

So wont the real sugar baby please jump up,

Please jump up, please jump up!

Oh and could the rest of you please lie down

'Cuz I can't see anything *thanks! *

Sugar-sugar-sugar-sugar-sugar sugar-baby, sugar-baby!

bet you weren't expecting THAT!  :wink:

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I love you.


He means it in a platonic way... I think...  O_o

Signal seems good... but for some reason I could not, for the life of me, get into SF-O yesterday! Wonder what was up with that? :?

:wolf: Can't let you access that, gunman.

:hehe: ... Mystery solved...

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(*watches R_G's signature*) he could end the fighting if he shot the biohazard barrel.

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Signal problems once again... temporarily retreating to avoid doing this ( :compcrash:) to my laptop comp.

Damn you Alaska!!! You are good for hunters, winter sports, fishing and my other outdoorsmanship pass times, but you $UCK for my nerdy/geeky pass times!!!

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I'm wondering what's causing the sudden signal trouble. This is just a guess, but you didn't have this much trouble earlier.

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Signal problems once again... temporarily retreating to avoid doing this ( :compcrash:) to my laptop comp.

Damn you Alaska!!! You are good for hunters, winter sports, fishing and my other outdoorsmanship pass times, but you $UCK for my nerdy/geeky pass times!!!

Hey, you're in Alaska?

I'm just south in Washington!

Pacific NorthWest FTW!

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. . . . . hmph! I wanna live in Alaska! Or Nowhere, Kansas , to live with Courage! Ugh, they're only pointless dreams.

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