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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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Dad: Billy dont skate there!

Son: Why not your not the bo-*hits landmine*

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You are weak, you are bleeders, you are maggots, you are traitors, you run fast, I run faster you cannot burn me, fire fire!

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COFFEEH! DO THINGS STUPID MORE FASTER! *runs around in circles laughing and slams into wall*

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Pizza has been around since the 16th century, the first elevator was installed in 1852. for 300 years people have been delivering pizza upstairs, be proud of carrying on that tradition.

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"Something something duplicitous rebels something taking our flag!"

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Thank god i watched that national geographic special on firetrucks

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Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is, panic!

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Dear Google,

You cannot solve everything please stop misleading teenagers to think you do

~Sincerely the people who want to destroy the world by getting rid of google

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I wonder what it would be like to spell badly for an entire day.

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That awkward moment when your digging a hole to bury a body, and there is another body in it.

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Remember those warm New England summers? Remember sipping lemonade under an old Oak tree? Remember when you hit that pedestrian with your car at the intersection and then just drove away? Pepperidge farm remembers. But Pepperidge farm's not just gonna keep it to Pepperidge farm's self. Maybe you'll go down to the mini mart and buy yourself some of these branded sugar cookies maybe this whole thing just never happened.

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