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Say something random part 2

Conall Drest

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@Lilacs: ME! ME!

Who will be your character (like your fan fic) and what color kart would you like?

Any one eles, theres 7 karts left.

Kart colors:






Light Green





(note: I not going to post the ROM here on SF-O I'll place it on a rom site, from there anyone who wants a copy can get it there)

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Any one eles, theres 7 karts left.

Kart colors:




Orange TAKEN!


Light Green





(note: I not going to post the ROM here on SF-O I'll place it on a rom site, from there anyone who wants a copy can get it there)

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WEEE Dubale poosted

Project phailed do to crapy emulater and rom.

I'll try this again later when I get better stuff, K.

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'mang' comes from a webomic I read, and I think it's a weird varitation of 'man'. 'Mange' is a disease, and 'Molly Mange' is a character from SWAT Kats. xD

Yeah, that's like Spanglish for man.

Woman 1:"Hey what are ju (you) looking at mang (man)?

Woman 2:"Yeah, why don't ju take a peekchure (picture)?"

Cartman:"Okay! Cleek!(Click)"

That coming from South Park. D:

@ Lilacs: I want GREEN! Can't you tell?  :P

And....eh, I don't have a character.....So....uhhhhh.....*drools*

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You ever get it working again...I'd like a spot.

Kal and Raj are both in my dA gallery.  And Revin...could possibly still be posted on the Member Works board, but I'd have to dig for an unfinished work...

I thought there was a blue cart?  :P

EDIT:  Just realized that Raj is actually the only person with a complete body.  O_o  A few shots of him + Kal's head + miscellany here:  http://kal-amari.deviantart.com/gallery/

'Course, that's if you ever decide to to this.  *coughIrecommendeitherZSNESorSNES9xandDragonsGenerationsneezeachoo*

...Damn colds. >_>

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For some reson my computer hates my snes emulater, but it is about time to upgrade it. Blue kart I'll try, sometimes I have to work with the colors given to me.

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Ooh! For me just stick a Meerkat in there somewhere......Yeah....

>.>; *runs*

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Oh awesome! So, I'm like the red/green shells? Or am I like a bomb-omb? Or maybe I'm the invincibility! :P

Meh, wishful thinking.... O_o

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I think I don't know what's going on, but I'd probably be Invisibility, and Sol would definitely be the Warp Star... Maybe

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Any one eles, theres 7 karts left.

Kart colors:




Orange TAKEN!


Light Green





(note: I not going to post the ROM here on SF-O I'll place it on a rom site, from there anyone who wants a copy can get it there)

Nyah, I'd like a spot! In teh brown car! Jes' check meh art thread fer a pic of Dr. W, and that's how I'd be represented.

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Any one eles, theres 7 karts left.

Kart colors:




Orange TAKEN!


Light Green


Brown TAKEN!




I'll keep this list on my computer and when I get a good enough Emulater I'll get to work on it. The project most likely will start back up in January, due to all of the holiday stuff happening.

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I desited to go with flash to make the game, only problem I don't know flash XD so I will need some help on that part...any takers? and give me ideas on what you want your kart to look like too.

oh and here is Lilacs's kart.


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Here are all of the racers I made so far, Dr. W yours is coming up next.


Can't wait to see mine, but you've done most excellently on those ones. I bet I'll go 'Squuuueeeeeee!' when I see mine. XD

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That...doesn't really look like Raj.  -_-  Looks cool, but it ain't him.  You accidentally did a pretty good Serris, though.  XD

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Oh yeah, and do all the karts look like that, or do we design our own?  If so...it's gonna be a while before I can do that.  Got at least five things to draw first.  >_<

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^ You can hand me ideas on what you want your kart to look like and I draw it up in MS paint and see if you like it, and I 'll try again on Raj. the long neck is kind of hard.

And Dr. W I was thinking for your kart mabey a ambulance?

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Yeah, I understand his neck is annoying to sprite.  But...well, he's missing his tail, and his head looks way off.  I still think it's kinda funny that you accidentally made it look like a character I haven't described yet.  XD

I appreciate the effort, though.  And you're pretty good at spriting, too.

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