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New staff opening: Full Moderator


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I have decided to finally fill the vacant full mod seat. And yes, I have a form post for these. ;)

SFO Staff Selection Procedures:

1.The Lead Forum Admin will determine that there is a need for additional staff.

2.The Lead Forum Admin will announce to the community which positions are available, and will post the appropriate set of qualifications.

3.Members will submit applications via PM to the Lead Forum Admin.

4.Applications from members who do not qualify or who continuously beg for staff positions will be discarded.

5.The remaining applications will be posted to the staff board.

6.The staff members will voice recommendations as to which applicants are suited and which are not.

7.The Lead Forum Admin will select an appointee from the applicants.

8.The Lead Forum Admin will create a poll in the Announcements board for confirmation of the applicant.

9.The poll will remain open for one week (seven days).

10.The appointee will be confirmed as a staff member if more than 50% of the votes cast are for confirmation.

11.The new staff member will be given a copy of the staff guidelines.

12.Upon acceptance of the guidelines, the new staff member will be given access to all needed features and boards.


Full Moderator:

* Must be an active member for at least six months.

* Must not have gotten into any major trouble with the staff

* Knows the board rules and follows them

* Has a good attitude

* favorable reputation in the community

Application for Staff Position:


Don't feel like you have to answer the questions long. If you can fully answer them in one sentence, go ahead.

Once again, PM THESE to me. If you post it here, it may fall through the cracks.

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My application is hereby sent.

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Guest Julius Quasar


My application is hereby sent.

Good luck!

*This music plays as these following words are said*


Join the SF-O Staff today!






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I need more RP mod applicants. You may apply for both if you wish. If I don't get enough RP mod applications, I may ask one of the full mod applicants if they'll take the spot.

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You don't have to apply if you don't want to. I mainly meant that instead of rushing to the full mod spot, I need people to consider the RP mod spot.

BTW, I already have a couple of well-qualified full mod candidates. I will probably close the full mod spot to applications tomorrow. The RP mod spot is more important, and I don't want this spot tp overshadow it. If you're on the fence about full mod, either put in for RP mod or just put in for full mod now. If you are selected you can decline at that point if you decide you don't want it.

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I need more RP mod applicants. You may apply for both if you wish. If I don't get enough RP mod applications, I may ask one of the full mod applicants if they'll take the spot.

Well, I might end up filling out an application for that as well. Probably tomorow.

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I have two excellent candidates. One of these will be it.

No more applications, please.

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