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What are you jamming to?

Vrance Movado

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The amount of musical talent in this thread has fallen below acceptable levels. Inserting performances from virtuosos to save us all.

Maynard Ferguson (Trumpet):


Arturo Sandoval (Trumpet):

Josè Feliciano:

Yo Yo Ma (Cello) and Itzhak Perlman (Violin):

Stefan Dohr (Horn):

I don't know HOW he is overplaying the orchestra without overblowing the horn. :o When I try to play that loud, it is splatty and nasty.

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^ Good gosh, that guy must have some SERIOUS prowess when it comes to the French Horn; when I used to attend band class there was a section of French Horns directly adjacent to me; they always seemed to blare and completely override anything near them. It's refreshing to see them played right! :D

Of course, that goes without mentioning the other, excellent artists and musicians that you've also posted, DZ :)

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Stefan Dohr is widely regarded as the greatest living Horn player.

Here is Arturo Sandoval doing one of the hardest and most nerve-racking things any musician can do:

Unaccompanied national anthem at a major event is not as easy as you would think. I'd say playing taps at a military funeral is a close second. The pressure, knowing if you crack a note...

Also, Dat Triple C... Dayum!

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Excuse me while I change my pants. Hrrrrrrrn, Zelda.

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Yes, this is real.

It's from a studio session Bob did with George Harrison in 1970 (they were good friends). They recorded 20 Tracks, and used NONE of it.

None of it was ever officially released, but it's out there; and I haz the whole thing! k_e_cool.gif

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Stefan Dohr (Horn):

I don't know HOW he is overplaying the orchestra without overblowing the horn. :o When I try to play that loud, it is splatty and nasty.

That guy. He's incredibly good.

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This is the music that took place during the Zero-Two battle in Kirby 64. It's the main reason why everything thinks Zero-Two was hot sh!t even though he wasn't a very challenging boss. The other reason is because when you shot him in the eye, he actually bled. Of course he was a reincarnation of Zero who was actually a lot bloodier.

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