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Dash's stuff


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*Theorizes how it works*

Yes, good design!

Hm... I just noticed but it looks like the cannon used to play up Earth from the pic. :shock:

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  • 5 months later...


Decided to check if my topic died already, but apparently not, and somehow still in the main member works page with a weird symbol next to it. So i'm gonna go ahead and update this page with EVERYTHING i've done since I made the FX Cannon 2 >_>. Which is a lot, I now vector and color pictures instead of just draw. I haven't done much mechanical stuff tho but I promise I will be updating this with everything sometime soon today or tomorrow.

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Decided to check if my topic died already, but apparently not, and somehow still in the main member works page with a weird symbol next to it. So i'm gonna go ahead and update this page with EVERYTHING i've done since I made the FX Cannon 2 >_>. Which is a lot, I now vector and color pictures instead of just draw. I haven't done much mechanical stuff tho but I promise I will be updating this with everything sometime soon today or tomorrow.

Awesome! Welcome back Dashster!

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Alright, so.. Its been a while.. Where do I start x.x..

Its been about 6 months since I last came here, a lot has happened since then.

First of all, I have started college, i'm studying graphics design and i'm currently on 2nd semester out of like 8 or 9. I've been busier and busier over time cause not only college eats my time now. The 1 or 2 days I get free every week I use it to be with friends, play games and be with my girlfriend Sarah, so I haven't done TOO much for 6 months. I have a huge list of things I want to draw and vector and a huge list of b-day pics I owe to my friends x_X. But now I get home so stressed from college I just want to forget about work and relax, play a few fun games with friends. Some nights I don't even sleep XD.

I also got a new custom built desktop PC for christmas x: but anyway.. The main happening these last 6 months was..

[EDIT]: Removed looooong story.

Anyway, aside from what's been happening with my life, I have updated page 1 of this topic with all the new stuff, but i'll go ahead and put em here too.

NEW stuff from August 2007 - March 2008



-FlyFF Furries - A group pic of all my characters on the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/FlyFF-Furries-52946930


-Kathy HAX! - Wanted to test a new eye style, but it didn't work too well on other angles.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/New-eye-style-test-55947442


-Psychiper Kathy - Pic of my psy on the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Psy-Kathy-56385012


-EpsilionOmega - Tailsrulz's knight on the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Epsilion-Omega-56659518


-Cerinian Princess Krystal - My latest picture of Krystal.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Cerinian-Princess-Krystal-61698721


-Bikini Kathy - This was originally done for a anatomy guide I did to help XG, but I liked the result so I cleaned it and made it a pic.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Bikini-Kathy-65650555


-Its Over Nine THOUSAAAAAAND - Comic of me, XG, Steve9 and Slippygoingno playing a game of Soldat and making fun of steve when he goes crazy and kills us all.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Its-over-nine-THOUSAAAAAAAND-67101173


-Kathy as Renia Rain - Space Cowboy fanart, this was my B-Gear pilot "RadeLynx". The game was shut down later.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Kathy-as-Renia-Rain-SCO-68479393


-Akan Okali - Pic of Okali wearing the Lv75 blade set (Akan set) from the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Akan-Okali-69440674


-Ringmaster XxHugglesXx - Pic of my girlfriend's Ringmaster on the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Ringmaster-XxHugglesXx-70701832


-Lv30 Mage Claire and Dash - Pic of me and Sarah (my gf) wearing the Lv30 mage clothes from the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Lvl30-Mage-Claire-and-Dash-73409654


-Schoolgirl Claire - Request from my girlfriend.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Schoolgirl-Claire-73874487


-Elementor Katherine - Pic of my elementor mage on the MMORPG "FlyFF". In game she is just a storage char called LOLSHOP so I just let Kathy take her place.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Elementor-Katherine-FlyFF-74576684


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Sorry for the double post. Stuff didn't fit.


-SF184 Fennec Fox Fighter.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/DFA-SF184-Fennec-Fox-Fighter-64323545



-Metal Slug Super Vehicle-001 - MS fanart.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Metal-Slug-Super-Vehicle-001-60253725


-Dash's Cleaning Process - Explanation of how I get my pics to look clean without the use of digital lineart.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Dash-s-Cleaning-Process-70530674


-Dash's Vectoring / Coloring Process - Explanation of how I color my pics.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Dash-s-Coloring-Process-70603294



-THIS IS AMERICAAAAAA!! - College homework.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/THIS-IS-SPARTAAAAAAA-64768494


-My Life - More college homework (yes, that's me).

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/My-Life-71459254


-Monterrey - A quick high contrast pic of the 2 tallest buildings in the place I study in, college HW too.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Monterrey-71828706


Open Canvas

-Blade Okali Lv90 colored - Final version of the Lv90 Okali pic and only pic I have and will ever fully color in Open Canvas.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Okali-Level-90-Blade-color-59135550


Vector Graphics

Zeon FX Cannon 2 (ZC-2) - Remodeled version of the FX Cannon used for the Zeon Fox mech. This is the improved stationary version.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/ZEON-FX-Cannon-ZC-2-57385828


-Dashster ID 2007 - A quick potrait of my fursona, first cel-shaded pic I do.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/new-ID-pic-66467697


-Dark Krystal wallpaper - DK looking evil (1280x1024).

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Krystal-wallpaper-69205594


-Chibi Dark Krystal - Cute rendition of DK.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-DK-71032087


-Chibi Dashster - Cute rendition of my fursona.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Dashster-71031990


-Akan Okali - Colored version.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Berserker-Okali-vector-69501583


-Akan Okali wallpaper - Same thing (1280x1024).

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Akan-Okali-wallpaper-75990312


-Valeria Avarayn preview - Okali's sister, a new character of mine I am still working on.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Valeria-Avarayn-Preview-72390647


-Claire Fox - My girlfriend's fursona.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Claire-Fox-73408994


-Lv30 Mage Claire & Dash - Colored version.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/3xMage-Claire-and-Dash-colored-73409813


-Schoolgirl Claire - Colored version.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Schoolgirl-Claire-colored-74021359


-Dashster ID 2008 - My latest ID for DeviantART.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Dashster-ID-2008-75996685


-Elementor Katherine - Colored version.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Elementor-Kathy-colored-76343997


-Dest Okali - Modified version of Akan Okali, this is the Lv90 blade armor from the MMORPG "FlyFF".

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Dest-Okali-FlyFF-77870367


-Dest Okali wallpaper - Same thing (1280x1024).

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/Dest-Okali-wallpaper-FlyFF-77872600


-Xaliant Hoverbike v2 stencil - Done for a college project. Made a T-shirt with it.

DeviantART link:http://dashster.deviantart.com/art/DFA-Xaliant-Hoverbike-stencil-77995571



-Running Dash - Graphics swap test using a base animation I made earlier.


-Frame by Frame Animation Test (Pokemon parody) - Wanted to see how hard it is to do this with a tablet.


-DON'T EAT MONEY! - College final exam for digital tools class (1st semester).


Aaaand that's all.

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Wow Dash! That's a lot of stuff. I love your animations, and your vector drawings are really sweet.

I had no idea that Dark Krystal was actually a person. I thought she was a character you made up. :D Glad it's working out better for you now.

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Awesome! I think I should try that! There's just one problem Dash, the version of Macromedia Flash I have at school doesn't have the option "Snap to Objects", so I don't think it'll work out for me yet. Are there stores where you can buy newer versions of Macromedia Flash?

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Awesome! I think I should try that! There's just one problem Dash, the version of Macromedia Flash I have at school doesn't have the option "Snap to Objects", so I don't think it'll work out for me yet. Are there stores where you can buy newer versions of Macromedia Flash?

You don't need that option really, the only thing I use it for is to make perfect circles. It doesn't work if you try to follow the lineart with that option on, it doesn't let you make curves how you want. If you notice on the tutorial I did I said remove it before you start cause it could be really annoying xD.

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Yeah, but I tried the line tool, and it didn't let me outline areas on a picture I have like I was hoping.  :D Why's that?


Sorry to bother you. I figured it out myself.

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Yeah, but I tried the line tool, and it didn't let me outline areas on a picture I have like I was hoping.  :x Why's that?


Sorry to bother you. I figured it out myself.

You have to import the image you want to vector and make a new layer over it, then lock the drawing layer so your picture doesnt go anywhere.

And you're not bothering me at all >>.

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  • 1 month later...

I need your help again. I can't figure out how to use the Fill Transform tool in Flash. I need it because I'm trying to make my coloring look better.

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  • 2 months later...

nice stuff  :P

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Just as practice, i think I will make ur cannon into 3d solid. I like it, and I want something to practice with using Solidworks.

You should make a comic.

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