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...I can't stand this!... Why damnit! WHY!... Its all my mom's fault for letting him out... There's a high chance he's dead by now.. I already miss him so much.. He was my only company :D ....

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OMFG!! FELIX CAME BACK!! :D:lol::lol::lol::D:D

I'm so happy, and his injury is lookin much better now ^^!!

*hugs him to death*

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I'm so happy, and his injury is lookin much better now ^^!!

*hugs him to death*

That's awesome! How long was he gone? I bet he missed you!

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Its been a while since I last posted here. Anyway, here's whats been happening lately..

After Felix came back (was lost for 2 days with a serious injury on his leg) he looked fine and his injury looked much better (it was already closing) but about 2 or 3 days after that we noticed he was meowing everywhere and we saw he was having a lot of trouble walking. Yes, his leg was getting infected so we took him to the vet and after a day he was brought back home (Doctor said if we would've waited a few more days they would've had to amputate his leg. Thank God he's ok). He looks much better now..

and about drawings and projects... I've been organizing my stuff for over more than a week now. Also, getting an ATI Radeon X700 this monday :D!!

I'm out on vacations now (I still gotta take 1 or 2 extraordinary tests next week but I only go take em and come home). However, I did draw a ton of stuff at school but either I didn't finish or I did'nt like enough to post D:. Here's one:



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Its been a while since I last posted here. Anyway, here's whats been happening lately..

After Felix came back (was lost for 2 days with a serious injury on his leg) he looked fine and his injury looked much better (it was already closing) but about 2 or 3 days after that we noticed he was meowing everywhere and we saw he was having a lot of trouble walking. Yes, his leg was getting infected so we took him to the vet and after a day he was brought back home (Doctor said if we would've waited a few more days they would've had to amputate his leg. Thank God he's ok). He looks much better now..

and about drawings and projects... I've been organizing my stuff for over more than a week now. Also, getting an ATI Radeon X700 this monday :?!!

I'm out on vacations now (I still gotta take 1 or 2 extraordinary tests next week but I only go take em and come home). However, I did draw a ton of stuff at school but either I didn't finish or I did'nt like enough to post D:. Here's one:



Nooot faaiiir! Sooo cute! You're getting better, as if you weren't!

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Awesome work, two thumbs up! ^-^;;

And more.

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Wewt i'm out on vacations now, I've started practicing outlining and using the dodge and burn tools in psp 7 with Tailsrulz's tutorial and this is what I got for now (first try).

http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/8049/kathiefirstpspblur1mt.gif          http://img470.imageshack.us/img470/2360/kathiefirstpspdodge25en.gif

:3.. Yes, that's Kathie's actual fur/hair color

EDIT: well she's actually red fox species but idk about the hair color yet :

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OMFG DUDE!!!! You're getting SO much better at this! Keep it up! :cry:

Yep! :D

I dunno how to Color stuff in Paintshop Pro 9 ^_^ I need Bezier Curve help tooo...

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how did you get the colors like that i just have stupid colored pencils(damn you crayola!)

drawing tool (bezier curves at 2px) in psp 7 (with everything unchecked)

and dodge, burn tool (retouch, but I still suck at that)

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hehe great stuff in there dash. ^_^:cry: I only get special efects with that tools, mmm i will try to put color in some black and with drawings to start practice, but no... im to bad at drawing... :D :D

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Oh man this new Radeon X700 graphics card I just got totally pwns.. Too bad I can't use it at its full power due to my crappy power supply not giving enough power to it.

Take a look at some Need For Speed Most Wanted screenshots I took:




I love ramming into police road blocks at 200 mph :3


You gotta luff supreme graphics power :3..

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drawing tool (bezier curves at 2px) in psp 7 (with everything unchecked)

and dodge, burn tool (retouch, but I still suck at that)

well, I changed up my bezier curve style. Nowadays, I use 1px curves with everything unchecked... and I use the spraycan more than I do dodge (but Dodge is good to start with), and if you're using PSP7, the RGB Down brush works much much better than Burn does. Burn only works well in PSP9.

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