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Guilt Trip


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Share your guilt trip storys here.

Why do I want to share, because, as usual, there was something stupid said, this time on a podcast. Here's the gist.

You see a kid in a shallow, knee deep pond who is obviously drowning, but going into the pond to save the kid would ruin your new shoes and make you late for work, what do you do?

Now, you are expected to skip over things like a bit of water wont ruin army boots (my footware of choice) or whatever. The point is, there is some kid you spot which could easily be saved at a small personal cost and innconvenience.

The podcast basicly claims that if you answered yes, but don't give to charity, you are immoral racist elitest scum. It then spends 20 minutes explaining why.

While some things like deferal of responcablity are interesting topics, the bulk of it is basicly a thinly vailed ad for his charity of choice. Personally, I don't like charities for various reasons, one of those reason is the way they never stop trying to guilt you out of money.

PS. For those wondering, deferal of reponcablity is the idea that large groups of people won't act (call the police, or in this case save a kid from drowning) because they assume someone else will do it, or is better qualified.

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Do they define charity? I would save the kid, but I prefer to donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation instead of the Christian Childrens' Fund.

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I have my share of guilt...

but i've put most of it behind me, but there is one that i will not put to rest until everything goes back to the way it was...

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Guest FoXXX

Do they define charity? I would save the kid, but I prefer to donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation instead of the Christian Childrens' Fund.


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Do they define charity? I would save the kid, but I prefer to donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation instead of the Christian Childrens' Fund.

Yeah... I would kind of do

the same.

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In my experience, those guilty experiences that don't kill you (If you get my meaning) will simply make you... stronger (At the cost of having to live with the scar from that event for the rest of your life).

I would go into detail of my meanings, but I'd rather not.

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