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If Krystal gave you a kiss on your lips, how would you react?

Guest Mr. N

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Nintendo of America: "No. Not at all."

Nintendo of Japan: "Great idea!"

That sounds... Too much like...

What they would do.  :oops:

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That sounds... Too much like...

What they would do.  :oops:

It's not like they're hard to predict. :D
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I'd stare.

Then ask for her number.

Then request an alternate contact to StarFox.

Then blackmail her on account of being a slut. 15$ a week or everyone she knows will hear all about my sudden, "lucky" experience with some one I've never met.

After all that I'd ask why this question was ever asked, as it is absolutely nothing but furry bait.

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I'd stare.

Then ask for her number.

Then request an alternate contact to StarFox.

Then blackmail her on account of being a slut. 15$ a week or everyone she knows will hear all about my sudden, "lucky" experience with some one I've never met.

After all that I'd ask why this question was ever asked, as it is absolutely nothing but furry bait.

:| +  :?

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Furries on a StarFox forum?! Impossible!

Remember the days when Star Fox WASN'T a furry mothership? You know, the days that ended somewhere around the time Adventures came out?

And don't argue otherwise. I don't see topics about hitting first base with Katt, Bill Grey, Falco, or Panther ever.  :wink:

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Remember the days when Star Fox WASN'T a furry mothership? You know, the days that ended somewhere around the time Adventures came out?

I didn't know what furry was then, so...yes and no? :P

And don't argue otherwise. I don't see topics about hitting first base with Katt, Bill Grey, Falco, or Panther ever.  :wink:

Rule 34. Bet you anything you can find something along those lines. :D

But yes. StarFox wasn't sexualized nearly as much 'til Krystal came along. I've already been rounds with some of these people about her being a sexual creature.

Still, I don't mind it personally. People need to lighten up about this kind of thing. Bloody Puritan values...*Grumblegrumble.*

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Rule 34. Bet you anything you can find something along those lines. :D

Naturally, but I mean I've never saw them even having been around as much as I have. And yet, Krystal nests exist all over the place. Here, KLA, gamefaqs to name a few.

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Naturally, but I mean I've never saw them even having been around as much as I have. And yet, Krystal nests exist all over the place. Here, KLA, gamefaqs to name a few.

Yep. Krystal's new, full-bodied (you only see busts of the other characters you mentioned, 'cept Panther and Falco whose bodies are very generic), and in a game where you get to see a lot of Fox butt.

She's not the -only- reason this franchise has taken a sexual turn, but she's a major one. The advent of widespread Internet use helped with that as well. StarFox 64 came out when very few people had access, so distribution of kinks and the grouping of people who had that in common were a lot rarer. You'll notice this is the "Krystal Archive" subforum. It stands to reason there'd be stuff about kissing her here, since those who inhabit this frequently tend to have a vested interest in her.

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You'll notice this is the "Krystal Archive" subforum. It stands to reason there'd be stuff about kissing her here, since those who inhabit this frequently tend to have a vested interest in her.

Implying the only interest is romantic. She's ALMOST got something going for her. Mercenary, tough, so on.

And yes, I know where I am. I happen to know the guy who made the KA. I also happen to know him enough to know that questions about every suggestive situation possible isn't exactly what he had in mind, such as a big, puckered present to the lips we be discussin' here.

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Forums rarely follow their creators' intent. :P

Anyway, I've said my peace about what I'd do. Guess I'll let others go at it without crowding this topic up with treatises about how things work. :3

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Forums rarely follow their creators' intent. :P

that's why I'M here

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that's why I'M here

Assuming you mean to follow his lead;

me:*has recived eternal happyness*

that's mine

This doesn't work well with you, I'm afraid. =P

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no what i ment WAS i'm here to REMIND all those who get off topic to get back on topic even though it isn't my place.

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Off topic is a matter of perspective. Technically the discussion above is a byproduct of the main topic this thread stands for, but I see what you're saying.

Blackmail, tramp behavior, etcetera.

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I'd do what i did before;

I'd take it in, enjoy the moment as if it was the last moment of my life....

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I'd enjoy the moment for a while until I realize I would melt like an ice that is on a 99999999999999999999999999 degree fire, then evaporate.

Then when I wake up I'm in heaven...

On top of it all, I'd wish it was just a dream. I don't want Fox firing at me with his landmaster.

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I'd puke in her mouth.

At least I wouldn't have to take her out to dinner after that.

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^ Yes, we get it, your not a furry.

< I would put the love heart around this.

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I read all the previous comments and it first started really well then suddenly it was like "going, going, going, where the hell did it go???" it's strange and funny how many people will react. Anayways back on topic, I would stare blankly at her then take her  on my arms. Hopefully she doesn't take it in a wrong way. Start sometype of relashionship. But most likely just stare at her until the sun feezes over. :shock:

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if I was me I'd look at her strangely  unless she gave me more  of a sister to sister kiss however if i was a guy I'd think I'd faint.

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