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Snes Starfox Misteries, Black Hole, and "Out of Dimensi


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"you have to dance all the night, then run thru the rain.....finally when you returned to home play the snes starfox game.....remember you have to eat popcorn before you turn on the snes"

jaja, ok ill explain how to get in those levels:


To enter the black hole, a secret area on the map with no apparent way in, you must enter Level 1-2 (Asteroid Belt) and keep going until you find a spinning asteroid bar. Hit the center of the asteroid bar just before you hit it. Do it with the next 2. If you hit all 3 bars right before you hit them (fly through where the breakable asteroid was....) A Laughing asteroid will appear. Shoot it repeatedly to open the gateway to the Black Hole.

Out of dimension:

Choose level three, then go to the asteroid belt and keep shooting the second big asteroid until it is destroyed. A bird-like object will fly out. Do not shoot it. Ram into it to travel ''out of this dimension''. Shoot the paper-like objects. The boss does not have a life meter, just icons (until they display three 7s) Shoot ''THE END'' letters until they are in the right position. The letters will be orange when they are correct. NOTE: THIS


.... i will trie to upload some videos to explain better...

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I've heard of the black hole thing, you have to shoot some asteroids in a certain order during the asteroid level. The black hole stage never ends. I've never heard of the Out of This Dimension thing though.

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the outer dimension level is kinda creepy, the freaking boss is a lucky seven machine (like the ones in Las Vegas), and if you beat it, some credits apear, but you can still fly thru them...

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the outer dimension level is kinda creepy' date=' the freaking boss is a lucky seven machine (like the ones in Las Vegas), and if you beat it, some credits apear, but you can still fly thru them...[/quote']

Yes! I'd love to see videos of these.

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Those pictures look like they have been traced in flash MX

*edit* never mind i was just their it's crazy!

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Indeed it does, but it also could be caused by interpolation setting being turned on on the emulator..

Either way, Steve9 speaks the truth. I already tried this with my original Starfox cartridge and I got proof of both.. (not just proof but also instructions on how to access these places in a more detailed description).

I got one step ahead of ya Steve, here's a video of both secrets along with subtitles to explain everything..


video is explained in detail with subtitles and gameplay (its 12 mb but its almost 5 minutes long. A must see).

Black Hole

This is the hardest of both secrets. You must go through the middle path until you get to asteroid field and then play until you see a spinning row of asteroids with an orange in the center of em. DO NOT SHOOT EM. Crash at the orange asteroid, get some more health as fast as possible and then crash into the center of the next 2 rows the same way you did with the first one. After this look for an asteroid with an evil face and shoot a bomb at it and finally crash it to go to the black hole.

Out of This Dimension

This level DOES exist (see video). Its very simple, just go through the third path on the map (bottom one) till you get to the asteroid field. Then play through the level until you see a huge asteroid on the background. When you locate it wait for the second huge asteroid to appear on the right and start shooting it as fast as possible until you see an explosion. You will see some weird thing fly away from the asteroid (DO NOT SHOOT IT). As it approaches you it takes the shape of a bird-like creature. Aim for its lower body and crash it. It will send you to this weird level called "Out of This Dimension which seems as if Fox we're seriously drunk. Yes, the boss is a slot machine and the enemies are paper planes and origami and the background is all distorted (like in black hole) until you beat the slot machine by getting a row of 7s.

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To correct Dashster/the video, you *can* shoot the asteroids. You just have to wait 'til the last possible moment to shoot the spinning ones, and fly through where they were. Then when you see the asteroid with a face, you can shoot that as soon as you want and fly into the BlackHole.

I'm positive you can shoot the asteroids. I've always done it that way, and it's hard for me *not* to go to the BlackHole level (that place is just so addiciting x_x).

I've never been to the Out of This Dimension level, though. It's great to finally see it.

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To correct Dashster/the video, you *can* shoot the asteroids. You just have to wait 'til the last possible moment to shoot the spinning ones, and fly through where they were. Then when you see the asteroid with a face, you can shoot that as soon as you want and fly into the BlackHole.

I'm positive you can shoot the asteroids. I've always done it that way, and it's hard for me *not* to go to the BlackHole level (that place is just so addiciting x_x)..

You probably can.. I tried it tho and it didn't work for me but I dunno that's just how my friend Eric taught me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

np. Anyway.. I do remember seeing an arwing just floating there along with all that junk inside the black hole.. I saw it using the ROM but I looked for it on the real thing and I did'nt find it...

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Thanks for that video. I've mad it to "Out of This Dimension" but have had trouble getting to the Black Hole. Thanks.

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Sadly, I've never had the chance to play the original Starfox...

I watched that video... first thing that came to my mind was WTF? That's just messed up...

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Sadly, I've never had the chance to play the original Starfox...

I watched that video... first thing that came to my mind was WTF? That's just messed up...

Well, you didn't miss very much, the game's slow pace, and too glitchy.

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No it's not, The game isn't that slow paced or glitchy. Not my copy. And I finally got to the Black Hole and have decided I like Out of This Dimension alot better.

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No it's not' date=' The game isn't that slow paced or glitchy. Not my copy. And I finally got to the Black Hole and have decided I like Out of This Dimension alot better.[/quote']

Well on mine t'is, and it's too slow pace for my taste.

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np. Anyway.. I do remember seeing an arwing just floating there along with all that junk inside the black hole.. I saw it using the ROM but I looked for it on the real thing and I did'nt find it...

Nevermind, my bad.. I checked and I didn't find it on both the rom and cartridge... Weird...

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