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Favorite Arcade Game?


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I love going to the few remaining arcades in the U.S., and two of my favorite cabinets are "TMNT: Turtles in Time" and "Police 911".  They are both awesome games, although I prefer Police 911 a little more.

Here are some pictures:

(Police 911)


(Turtles in Time)


Oh, and here are the Wikipedia articles:



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^ That's what I love about arcade cabinets, THEY ARE SO DETAILED AND AWESOME!!

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Mario Kart Arcade GP (It was removed from my local gameworks.)


House of the Dead 4 Special (Only played it once though in Chicago. I highly doubt they have it anymore though.)


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I loved this game. I played for hours sometimes on end at my local LQ center, constantly getting free games if I beat a certain time (which gets faster as you beat it and slower as you don't beat it).  Then they removed it and I got quite pissed off...I racked up more than 10,000 miles on it :/

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^ WHOA!! I played the port on PS2, and absolutely had a GREAT time, I can't even imagine how AWESOME the arcade cabinet would be!! :D

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My favourite arcade is one of those

Jurassic Park: The Lost World

Shooters. It is simply AWEcool.

Going to JP has never been so Arcade!  :lol:

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Find any in Los Angeles with the name "FOX" at the top score list, that's prolly me.

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Guest Julius Quasar


Find any in Los Angeles with the name "FOX" at the top score list, that's prolly me.

Right on, dude, awesome! :yes:

I like:

Time Crises 4

Police 911 (Part 2)

Silent Scope EX

Air Raid

Paradise Lost

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^ WHOA!! I played the port on PS2, and absolutely had a GREAT time, I can't even imagine how AWESOME the arcade cabinet would be!! :D

Two player mode is quite awesome as well. :)

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Ninja turtles and Ninja Turtles 2 before they came out on Nintendo

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We don't have arcades round these parts anymore.

The small ones have disappeared, yes.

But here, you will find Rivadavia (one

of the world's LONGests streets) to have

many of them. Close to my school

is one called 'Jueguitos' ('Videogamies')

and one called 'Play One' (Do I really need

to 'translate' it?  :P)

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The original TMNT arcade game (known as TMNT II on the NES) and The Simpsons arcade game will always hold a special place in my heart. I also have fond memories of Ghouls and Ghosts, Splatterhouse, Rampage, and Street Fighter II.

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Though I think the one I played may of been slightly different (coulda sworn the one I played had a better looking M4-1A pulse rifles). That game got intense if I remember correctly.


Even though I haven't played it actually, just the basis, age, details, and legacy of this game makes me want to play a real Sinistar.


The version of this I played had another game on it, which had you fighting terrorists instead of aliens, and me and my friend played and beat them both. This game is old school, without the "take cover" pedal, and you had to avoid shooting friendlies, but on the terrorist one, I shot a few friendlies on purpose because they were highly annoying. Let me set the scene as to why. You're on a beach with unexploded bombs and a bunch of other stuff that makes it all around mangled (there was a damned human skull on top of a "No swimming!" sign, there are terrorists firing AK-47s everywhere, and suddenly, without warning, a man in a Hawaiian shirt, with sunblock on his nose, a panama canal hat, and a metal detector stands up in between you and the terrorists, and acts surprised. I saw him and said to my friend, "No, I'm shooting him, he does not need to be breeding," and shot him. 

I also have a port of Ninja Assault for my PS2, with the Guncon 2 lightgun accessory, which is bad ass.

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