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Pink Floyd


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Speaking of Pink Floyd clothing, at Target i saw a "Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon" Boxer shorts. Its got the album cover on the front. THey also have some ACDC Boxers also

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*Bumps* (I know this thread has been dead for a very long time now but I never wrote here before)

I never knew anything about Pink Floyd before I saw and read what TCK shew and wrote.. and I didn't tougth it would be THAT great songs.

The first time I listened to The Wall I had a feeling I had heard it sometime before, I sligthly recognised some parts of it, prehaps I heard it somewhere in the 90's without thinking about it after...

Comfortably numb, Shine on you Crazy Diamond, and others are sure favs.

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You probably just heard some songs from The Wall on the radio. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2), Confortably Numb, and Run Like Hell are the most common songs from that album. >_>

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