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Your take on: Wolf O'Donnell

Asper Sarnoff

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Wolf is one of my faves. Actually he is my fave :wolf: even more than :bill: or :fox:. He's the character I play the most in Brawl. I think Nintendo needs to tell us more about him. Why he hated Fox, Why he wears an eyepatch(if he really needs it or he wears it to look bada**) Overall Wolf is an awesome character. The thing is we don't know a lot about him.

:wolf: Can't let you do that Star Fox

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What would be really awesome is if Wolf was voiced by the guy who voiced acted for Kenpachi Zarachi from Bleach.

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Wolf's mom is HOT :D


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  • 5 weeks later...

Well...he's always been an awsome Char.

i like his 'Assault version, but he should have an Up-to-date British acsent like he did in '64.

In my opinion, hes almost like Han Solo; he may be a little selfish and a hansome Rogue, but deep down he has a heart of gold. An example of this is when he came to the "rescue" on the final level in 'Assault with his squadron.

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well you do reilze he probly only did this because he lives in a non apriod universe  too right?

...okay I'm going to agree with you because i just lost my train of though for a second :)
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In my opinion Wolf is just another merc like Fox. But he's still slightly bitter that his team was beaten by a bunch of fresh out of the academy teens and a old guy. But his heart's in the right place. (inside of him)

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Wolf is the enemy, I don't usually like the enemy I usually hate them.

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:wolf: rocks.....just because he is a wolf to begin with......plus he has an meme online  :trollface:
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:wolf: rocks.....just because he is a wolf to begin with......plus he has an meme online  :trollface:

Me: Wolf (SPECIES) lovers UNITE!

:wolf:: Can't let you do that!

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Me: Wolf (SPECIES) lovers UNITE!

:wolf:: Can't let you do that!


:wolf: wait.....wha??

:me: hush Wolf....just feel honored

:wolf: um......

:me: -ties up wolf and drags him away-

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:me: -ties up wolf and drags him away-

:me: *Blows wolfs head off with a sniper shot from far away as he is being dragged.*
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:me: *Blows wolfs head off with a sniper shot from far away as he is being dragged.*

:me: :evil: MOAB TO THE FACE:


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:me: :evil: MOAB TO THE FACE:

You are too late, he is already dead. Besides I wasn't near the water when the bomb exploded.
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You are too late, he is already dead. Besides I wasn't near the water when the bomb exploded.

The Massive Ordinance Air Bomb doesn't need water to explode. What makes you think it does?

Besides, that's why I swapped the real him out with an inflatable dummy. :)

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That explosion was in the ocean wasn't it? So me not being in the ocean I wouldn't have been hit.

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I...don't know.

But I don't have to kill you, to each his own, right?

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I...don't know.

But I don't have to kill you, to each his own, right?

Exactly. If I want to kill :wolf: then that's my buisness.
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I honestly don't know what I find funnier: the fact people can dislike a fictional character so much they want to kill them, or the fact that this offends someone so much that they want to kill the hater.

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I honestly don't know what I find funnier: the fact people can dislike a fictional character so much they want to kill them, or the fact that this offends someone so much that they want to kill the hater.

I think it's he wants to kill me which is "funnier".
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