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What's with all the padlocks?


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I agree. I guess things are just moving to the controversial side of things.

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Perhaps because there's a new sheriff in town, and a triggerhappy one at that?  :trollface:

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Perhaps because there's a new sheriff in town, and a triggerhappy one at that?  :trollface:

This isn't really a good thing. Order is fine, but topics around here get shot down waaaaaaaaaaay too fast over little instances. The Future of RPing topic got locked simply because I was "debating" what a good RP was :

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This isn't really a good thing. Order is fine, but topics around here get shot down waaaaaaaaaaay too fast over little instances. The Future of RPing topic got locked simply because I was "debating" what a good RP was :

To be fair the quality of RP wasn't in question, it was how to keep it contained. That said, I do think it shouldn't have been locked.

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To be fair the quality of RP wasn't in question, it was how to keep it contained. That said, I do think it shouldn't have been locked.

I was basically trying to explain that GMs need more creative power over their RPs if we are to keep RPs contained properly without overstaffing the RP forums.

But apparently thats locking material.

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I understand that people all have different views on different matters, but I think we just need to be more tolerable and understanding of others.  If something -really is- out of hand or completely uncalled for, then yes, action must be taken, but I've seen people make a huge fuss over -tiny- things.  And no, I'm not pointing at anyone in particular (admins, mods, or members), but rather the general SF-O public.

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This isn't really a good thing. Order is fine, but topics around here get shot down waaaaaaaaaaay too fast over little instances. The Future of RPing topic got locked simply because I was "debating" what a good RP was :

I'm going to have to agree.  Minor drama in topics comes and goes, and putting the padlocks on topics before seeing if the drama will A: go away as quickly as it came/people move on etc or B: get blown way out of proportion enough to justify a valid lock just....doesn't feel right. 

Obviously this is my opinion and every mod/admin has their own preference as to how they do their job.  That being said being an admin myself of a somewhat related forum it's also necessary for the opinions of the community in issues such as these to be heard.

Just my two cents

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This isn't really a good thing. Order is fine, but topics around here get shot down waaaaaaaaaaay too fast over little instances. The Future of RPing topic got locked simply because I was "debating" what a good RP was :

I used to think the same thing as well when I first came here.

But, there is a reason for everything.

The reason that particular topic was closed I'm not that sure about, since I wasn't the one to close it.

But I do suspect the underlying reason was because it was obvious that the debatants wouldn't come to any agreement on what was the best way to roleplay.

And that none of those would be considered in any case, since the staff seem to favor the system we allready have, with the addition of the roleplay software DZComposer is writing as we speak.

On a side note. When some people here say the drama should be allowed to go on, that seems to be because you're accustomed to a different sort of forum. Over these last days, we've had several people coming in from the KLA. And there's nothing wrong in that. I'm really glad we get more members around.

But, I can't help notice when browsing around the forum that some of you display a rather unlikeable way of debating with your fellow members. Rudeness, flaming other members for their personal opinions, while viewing challenge to your own as sacrilege, derailing topics, and generally being some rather nasty fellows. There have been quite a lot of complains coming in from from the older members, make no mistake in that.

You see, Starfox-Online's mission statement is:

The purpose StarFox-Online is to provide a fan-friendly, all-ages, site that contains useful and unique information about the Star Fox series while maintaining a community of fans who discuss the series as well as other topics amongst each other in a peaceful and friendly manner.

I've always viewed SF-O as a haven of tranquility in the raging waters that is the interweb. It's a place where one can escape everyday problems, put your feet up on the table and chat with friends who share a similar interest to you. Never have I been at a friendlier, warmer and more likeable internet community than this. That's also THE reasons why I prefer it here over Arwing Landing.

And recently, I do feel as we're starting to move away from this.

I want SF-O to stay this way, and if you disagree with that, then I'd gladly give you the link to any of the countless sites that isn't like this, and wish you Godspeed on the way.

Note that this reflects my own personal opinion, and not that of the SF-O staff team.

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I used to think the same thing as well when I first came here.

But, there is a reason for everything.

The reason that particular topic was closed I'm not that sure about, since I wasn't the one to close it.

But I do suspect the underlying reason was because it was obvious that the debatants wouldn't come to any agreement on what was the best way to roleplay.

And that none of those would be considered in any case, since the staff seem to favor the system we allready have, with the addition of the roleplay software DZComposer is writing as we speak.

On a side note. When some people here say the drama should be allowed to go on, that seems to be because you're accustomed to a different sort of forum. Over these last days, we've had several people coming in from the KLA. And there's nothing wrong in that. I'm really glad we get more members around.

But, I can't help notice when browsing around the forum that some of you display a rather unlikeable way of debating with your fellow members. Rudeness, flaming other members for their personal opinions, while viewing challenge to your own as sacrilege, derailing topics, and generally being some rather nasty fellows. There have been quite a lot of complains coming in from from the older members, make no mistake in that.

You see, Starfox-Online's mission statement is:

I've always viewed SF-O as a haven of tranquility in the raging waters that is the interweb. It's a place where one can escape everyday problems, put your feet up on the table and chat with friends who share a similar interest to you. Never have I been at a friendlier, warmer and more likeable internet community than this. That's also THE reasons why I prefer it here over Arwing Landing.

And recently, I do feel as we're starting to move away from this.

I want SF-O to stay this way, and if you disagree with that, then I'd gladly give you the link to any of the countless sites that isn't like this, and wish you Godspeed on the way.

Note that this reflects my own personal opinion, and not that of the SF-O staff team.

Discussion is how people arrive at conclusions. Yes, some people are gonna get upset. Yes, someone will inevitibly get butthurt. But thats how people roll, and people can arrive to peaceable conclusions and understanding. However, they never will reach that if the mods go "NO U" everytime someone gets a LITTLE upset and locks a topic. Drama is bad, I agree, because people who make shitstorms over internet fights need to relax and re-evaluate whats important in their lives.

However, I will disagree with you somewhat on my debating methods. Unlikable? Maybe. Some people love my debate form. Thats subjective. Rudeness? Sometimes, but there is a time and a place for it, alongside tact. Flaming? No, flaming is making personal attacks against people, it is internet ad-homimnem, and I do not abide by such. I do challenge people for their thoughts, but I do so on a basis of logic and fact. I do not feel my own beleifs are "sacred", I welcome any attack against them one might want to make, but do know I will defend them. Derailing topics I'll admit has happened, but 1: its not entirely on purpose 2: its in good fun 3: I try to get back on topic. I am not "nasty", not in my own eyes. If people has beefs with me, they can PM me. Otherwise... I can't adjust, because I don't know who wants what.

Peace and tranquility is fine. However, it can be maintained without the website being sterile. I approve of a peaceful place for people to discuss things. I always approve of the people here to be wise enough not to get bent out of shape over discussions. Friendly, peaceful debate and discussion is what I aspire for.

As for going to other sites, they suck. I might be a scoundrel on this board, but I will say I like it. Its nostalgic, somehow, and I like this.

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Basically what Rob said. I have very little to add that he hasn't.

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The reason that particular topic was closed I'm not that sure about, since I wasn't the one to close it.

But I do suspect the underlying reason was because it was obvious that the debatants wouldn't come to any agreement on what was the best way to roleplay.

And that none of those would be considered in any case, since the staff seem to favor the system we allready have, with the addition of the roleplay software DZComposer is writing as we speak.

Robert beat me to it but I'm going to concur with him when he says that doesn't mean discussion still can continue. In my personal opinion there was nothing really wrong or anything being blatantly broken as far as rules go.  Even if the status quo is being maintained unless the topic explodes into a flame war or such I can't see much point in locking a topic over trivial "drama"

On a side note. When some people here say the drama should be allowed to go on, that seems to be because you're accustomed to a different sort of forum. Over these last days, we've had several people coming in from the KLA. And there's nothing wrong in that. I'm really glad we get more members around.

Likewise I've approved a few SFO users in the past couple of weeks on the KLA as well.  It goes both ways and I'm grateful for that as well :)

But, I can't help notice when browsing around the forum that some of you display a rather unlikeable way of debating with your fellow members. Rudeness, flaming other members for their personal opinions, while viewing challenge to your own as sacrilege, derailing topics, and generally being some rather nasty fellows. There have been quite a lot of complains coming in from from the older members, make no mistake in that.

I will concur with this statement somewhat and I can agree with you subjectively over a couple of members (who in my opinion happen to be among the most intelligent individuals on the KLA) acting as such on SFO. And I doubt you're implying even in the slightest that the KLA is a haven for this kind of activity (because it most certainly is not).  I've debated with Robert and Milky for a while now and they merely have different debating "styles" which involve more blunt, to the point arguments almost all the time based on FACTS.  I can most certainly agree with you though that some members can take exception with the way they word some of their posts.

You see, Starfox-Online's mission statement is:

I've always viewed SF-O as a haven of tranquility in the raging waters that is the interweb. It's a place where one can escape everyday problems, put your feet up on the table and chat with friends who share a similar interest to you. Never have I been at a friendlier, warmer and more likeable internet community than this. That's also THE reasons why I prefer it here over Arwing Landing.

And recently, I do feel as we're starting to move away from this.

You can look at it that way, but you can also look at it as a chance for other newer members of this "style" to be accepted into the community, even if a sizable % of people don't feel comfortable about it.  I mean...I think I've seen that happen quite recently on this forum myself.

I want SF-O to stay this way, and if you disagree with that, then I'd gladly give you the link to any of the countless sites that isn't like this, and wish you Godspeed on the way.

Note that this reflects my own personal opinion, and not that of the SF-O staff team.

Interesting.  Do you have msn or any other IM program?  If you want we can discuss this at a later time.

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To be really honest, I did not like

it when you showed me the middle-finger

picture at the locked thread, Robert Monroe.

It was completely unnecesary, really.

We were debating the situation in a relatively

polite way. Why then you get mad and show

me the middle finger? Come to think of it,

I really do not want to know.

Please, think of it this way: This site's speciality

is friendlyness. Sure, we all can be rude sometimes,

but it is a good idea to mind your manners. Just

because you 'can offend somone' does not means

that you 'have to'.

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To be really honest, I did not like

it when you showed me the middle-finger

picture at the locked thread, Robert Monroe.

It was completely unnecesary, really.

We were debating the situation in a relatively

polite way. Why then you get mad and show

me the middle finger? Come to think of it,

I really do not want to know.

Please, think of it this way: This site's speciality

is friendlyness. Sure, we all can be rude sometimes,

but it is a good idea to mind your manners. Just

because you 'can offend somone' does not means

that you 'have to'.

I wasn't giving YOU the middle finger. It was a demotivator. Its for humor. I'm sorry if you didn't find it funny or took it as a personal attack, that was not my meaning. I do not AIM to offend. If I did that, I'd have been banned like 3 times already.

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To be really honest, I did not like

it when you showed me the middle-finger

picture at the locked thread, Robert Monroe.

It was completely unnecesary, really.

We were debating the situation in a relatively

polite way. Why then you get mad and show

me the middle finger? Come to think of it,

I really do not want to know.

Please, think of it this way: This site's speciality

is friendlyness. Sure, we all can be rude sometimes,

but it is a good idea to mind your manners. Just

because you 'can offend somone' does not means

that you 'have to'.

^ This

Need I say more?

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Guest Julius Quasar

Certain members here are not taking into account the nature of their post, and the potential ramification of said posts.

Also, these same members start to say something in a thread/topic that's not their own, without thinking of the effect of how their words might impact others.

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^ This

Need I say more?

Robert already clarified and apologized with what his intention was with that demotivate poster >_>

Certain members here are not taking into account the nature of their post, and the potential ramification of said posts.

Also, these same members start to say something in a thread/topic that's not their own, without thinking of the effect of how their words might impact others.

True.  Or they could just assume that others completely understood what they are saying and what their intention was and if others get all upset because they misinterpreted the post then that's not entirely that persons fault if they don't get it.

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Flame wars arent allow here at Starfox online. thats the whole reason the admins don't want politcs!

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Flame wars arent allow here at Starfox online.

I agree 100%, nor should they be.

thats the whole reason the admins don't want politcs!

Only political conversations =/= flame wars.  People who don't fully understand the political nature of a conversation are more likely to get upset and agitated than people who do.  Same with those who have strong opinions on things they don't fully understand.

Flame wars involving politics can easily be avoided if people act their age and act civil - hence why a mature discussion area was recently created for these types of topics.

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Flame wars arent allow here at Starfox online. thats the whole reason the admins don't want politcs!

There's a huge difference between flaming and debate, though.

"You are an idiot." That is a flame. "Stop being stupid and use your brain." That is also a flame.

"This opinion seems to have something that doesn't make sense to me because of this and this, explain?" is NOT a flame. That is discussion.

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Guest Julius Quasar

True.  Or they could just assume that others completely understood what they are saying and what their intention was and if others get all upset because they misinterpreted the post then that's not entirely that persons fault if they don't get it.

Ahhh, yes, very good, TSA~User

Flame wars arent allow here at Starfox online. thats the whole reason the admins don't want politcs!

It's not just politics that cause the flamewars, kiddo.

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I wasn't giving YOU the middle finger. It was a demotivator. Its for humor. I'm sorry if you didn't find it funny or took it as a personal attack, that was not my meaning. I do not AIM to offend. If I did that, I'd have been banned like 3 times already.

It is okay, but what I am saying is

that you should have thought about

so before posting. I often do not

get angry that easily, but think of

other users... Maybe they could have

been offended, even if it was for humour.

Again I am not saying that it was your

intention, it is that you should think if

it could offend someone. You know,

we can all make a joke, but if it can

be interpreted in other way, someone

WILL interpret it that other way.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I forgot to add, sometimes people post their topics in the wrong place for them, and they gotta be moved.

That's happening more and more lately.

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There's a huge difference between flaming and debate, though.

"You are an idiot." That is a flame. "Stop being stupid and use your brain." That is also a flame.

"This opinion seems to have something that doesn't make sense to me because of this and this, explain?" is NOT a flame. That is discussion.

true but debutes some how turn into flame wars with 75% of time they do.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Derailing a post by going off topic (Often cause by 2 or more members bickering over a disagreement on something) can also get a topic locked.

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