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Weapons of choice: Ranged weapons

Geo Stelar

Which 2 ranged weapons would you choose?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Which 2 ranged weapons would you choose?

    • Pistol
    • Revolver
    • Shotgun
    • Machine gun
    • Sub-machine gun
    • Rifle (any type)
    • Javelin (thrown)
    • Blowpipe
    • Bazooka
    • Grenade (thrown)
    • Grenade launcher
    • Missile launcher
    • Cannon (any type)
    • Bow-and-arrow
    • Crossbow

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Just pick which two range weapons you would prefer, or your favorites, or what you wanna use..

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  • Replies 54
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Top Posters In This Topic

  • Matt Macdowel


  • Vy'drach


  • Geo Stelar


  • Asper Sarnoff


Rifle (PSG1) and Crossbow (For extreme stealth, hit a guy in the throat and see if he raises the alarm)

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Sniper rifle and rifle are complete 2 different things by a long shot.

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Sniper rifle and rifle are complete 2 different things by a long shot.

there, I edited the option

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Sniper rifle and rifle are complete 2 different things by a long shot.

Not really, rifle is a general term. There are:

Single shot rifles

Carbine rifles

Repeater rifles

bolt action rifles

assault rifles

marksman rifles

semiautomatic rifles

sniper rifles

and I'm sure many more.

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ok. just edited the option.

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ok. just edited the option.

That wasn't for you, was for Matt. I used Rifle and posted my rifle of choice, something he could do if he wanted for clarity. A rifle is a rifle in a general term.

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That wasn't for you, was for Matt. I used Rifle and posted my rifle of choice, something he could do if he wanted for clarity. A rifle is a rifle in a general term.

I just put '(any type)' beside the rifle, so anyone can specify. I know you did it for Matt. I edited it, in turn, for everybody else.

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Just pick which two range weapons you would prefer, or your favorites, or what you wanna use..

sub macnihe guns assautl rifles  battle rifle (Marksmen  rifle kinda like a mix of a assault and sniper rifle

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Two words:


That is all I have

to say, I think.

I sooo knew you were gonna say that.

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I sooo knew you were gonna say that.


Laser Rifles are something,

cool, too. Rapid-Fire without

reload time. This gives you a

GrEaT advantage.

On a side note: I only voted

'Cannon (any type)' and then hit submit.

But still, Laser Rifle is my 2nd favourite


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Well, a sniper rifle is a rifle so...

1) I would use a M21 EBR for distance sniping

2) I would use the M16A4 for my Assault rifle, never been a fan of fully automatic weapons.

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That wasn't for you, was for Matt. I used Rifle and posted my rifle of choice, something he could do if he wanted for clarity. A rifle is a rifle in a general term.

Sniper rifles have scopes, one shot one kill, high powerd.

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Ranged weapons are for wuzzies. :P If given the option, I'll always pick close combat.

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Sniper rifles have scopes, one shot one kill, high powerd.

You can put a scope on just about any weapon, I have seen shotguns with scopes.


A separate weapon category known as "Sniper rifles" is actually a new invention, which only came around once the world's governments decided to use smaller, middle power rounds for standard munitions. In WWII and such, the guns had long enough barrels and large enough rounds (8mm Mauser, 30-06, 7.62x54R, 7.5x50SR Arisaka) that all you needed to make a sniper weapon, was take the standard infantry rifle, and add a scope. The Karabiner 98K was a sniper, the 1903 Springfield and M1 Garand are snipers (The 1903 was the standard infantry weapon of WWI for Americans, but the design is a German one, since all America did was steal the Mauser bolt action), the Mosin Nagant was a sniper, and the Arisaka was a sniper (Though the least effective because the Japanese rounds were very underpowered).

Germany even made the first truly successful semi-auto sniper, just by making a new semi-auto infantry rifle, the Gewehr 43, which was still highly accurate despite the shorter barrel than the Kar 98K, and it had a 10 shot box magazine, not the 8 round auto-ejecting clip of the M1D Garand, which makes it a more successful sniper.

Also, while one shot one kill is the motto of the snipers, it isn't always the case, whether or not they hit them. People can take several hits and not go down, as was reported from a man using the M60 machine gun (Which fires the 7.63x51, a common sniper round today) in Somalia, who had to put about 25 rounds into a man before he stopped trying to get back up. Granted he was shooting through partial cover (he could see exactly where the man was, but something resisted most of his bullets *they still went through and hit the man, so were not outright stopped*), you'd still expect 25 rounds into the back of the man's torso to kill him.

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You know your guns...

The .44 grew on me in Fallout 3, though i like Machine guns i don't really have a favorite. but if have to pick. It would be The M16, FAMAS, and the P90 Sub-machine gun.

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You know your guns...

The .44 grew on me in Fallout 3, though i like Machine guns i don't really have a favorite. but if have to pick. It would be The M16, FAMAS, and the P90 Sub-machine gun.

I'm a redneck, comes with the territory. And the first two of your choices were assault rifles, and the last is a PDW (Personal Defense Weapon).

Sorry, I like talking about guns...

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I'm a redneck, comes with the territory. And the first two of your choices were assault rifles, and the last is a PDW (Personal Defense Weapon).

Sorry, I like talking about guns...

yeah, but what can i say? Its pretty much the only gun i used in my first playthrough of MGS4.

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The P90? That thing is a beast, I love that gun in MGS4. High armor pen, high stopping power, long range, 50 round clip, suppressed, great sights, that thing rocks.

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Well... I got a few favorites,

Cannon: of the laser variety. When it comes to things I like, looks before effectiveness. Of course laser's seem pretty effective anyway, so it's an all around goodness.

Minigun!!! of the not so mini variety, You gotta love em, whether it be Crysis, Team Fortress 2, or real life, it shoots fast, it's big, and it looks cool!

Shotgun: of the double barrel variety, pure close ranged awesomeness in a gun, spread out all over the place, in small deadly shards, I'll take that anyday.

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Ranged weapons are for wuzzies. :P If given the option, I'll always pick close combat.

I quite agree

Plus, melee battle is more 'fair' than ranged ones.

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